Travel with me Malta 2016 \ Putujte sa mnom Malta 2016


Hi cuties! Welcome back to my blog, I hope you are al doing well. Todays post is going to be about my holiday at Malta. Like many of you already know I decided to visit Malta this year. I thank my bestie for having me. In this post I am going to write from moment that I left home to the moment I laded at Malta, what  I visited, hat I did, what you can visit etc.

Ćao slatkiši dobrodošli nazad na moj blog, nadam se da ste svi dobro. Dašnji post će biti o mom odmoru na Malti. Kao što većina vas zna ove godine sam rešila da posetim Maltu. Tome zahvaljujem mojoj naboljoj drugarici koja me je ugostila. U ovom postu ću pisati sve od trenutka kada sam napustila kuću da krenem na aerodrom do trenutka kada sam sletela, gde sam bila, kupovala lepa mesta koje možete posetitit.

Day 1

Pretty much the usual. One great thing about traveling is booking afternoon flights why that? Most of the people fly in the morning, and airport is always crowded with people so I always book afternoon flight if thats possible. I woke up at like 08:30 worked out a little, had some breakfast, shower, and it was time to get ready and pack. I arrived at airport super early which I always do so I don’t have to wait in line to check in. After check in I stopped for a coffee before passport control, and after that I started my mini duty free shopping. Everything that I bought I am going to show that in my Malta haul post so stay tuned for that post. Well gate open an hour earlier, and everything after that went really quick, and amazing. Flight left on tim like always. Like always flight was very pleasant, I love flying  I will always choose to fly with plane. We landed about 19:15 right on time, but passport control at Malta took so long, because Maltese people have very restrict rules when you enter in their country. If you don’t have return ticket that can sent you back. To be honest I didn’t have any problem, but it was my first time that I was last in passport control. Well maybe that was great,  because when I arrived at baggage claim my bag was waiting for me. Also I must say airport at Malta is extremely clean. After that my bestie was waiting for me I was so excited to see her after a few months. We waited for  bus to Valetta. I must say what I saw that night of Valetta, and Malta I loved it. After that we waited for bus tht took us to St Pauls bay. I had a cup of coffee when I arrived at my bestie place, and after that I removed my make up, and I went to sleep I was really excused. So that is Day 1.

Dan 1

potpuno uobičajan dan. Jedna super stva kod putovanja jeste bukiranje popodnevnog leta, verovatno se pitate zašto? Razlog tome je što većina voli da putuje ujutru i aerdorom je gotovo uvek prepun ljudi, tako da ako je moguće ja uvek bukiram popodnevni let. Probudila sam se oko 08:30 vežbala, doručkovala, tuširala i napokov završila sa pakovanjem i bila sam spremna da krenem na aerdrom. Na aerdrom sam stilga malo ranije što je super, iz razloga što ne volim da čekam u dugim redovima za čekiranje. Posle čekiranja sam napravila malu pauzu za kafu pre pasoške kontrole, posle toga sam krenula u svoj mini duty free šoping.  Sve što sam kupila pokazaću cam u svom Malta haul postu. Izlaz se otovorio sat ranije pre leta, sve je prošlo brzo i bez problema. Poleteli smo na vreme kao i uvek. Let je bio veoma prijatan kao i uve, ja inače obožavam da letim avionom i uvek biram putovanje avionom ako je to moguće. Sleteli smo u 19:15 na vreme, ali pasoška kontrola je previše trajala, iz razlog što Maltezi imaju jako stroga pravila kada dolazite u njihovu zemlju. Ako nemate povratnu kartu mogu da vas rate nazad. Da budem iskrena ja nisam imala nikakvih problema na aerdormu, ali sam bila zadnja u redu. Možda je to bila i super stvar iz razloga što me je moj kofer već čekao.  Takodje moram reći da je Malteški aerdrom izuzetno čist. Moja bestie me je već čekala. Toliko sam bila uzbudjena što je vidim posle nekoliko meseci. Posle toga smo čekali bus za Valettu. I na prvu loptu Valetta mi se veoma dopala odnosno, ono što sam videla te večeri. Posle toga smo sačekala bus koji nas je odvezao do Zaliva Svetog Pavla. Kada sma stigla popila sam šolju kafe, uklonila šminku, istuširala se i otišla na spavanje pošto sam bila preumorna. Tako da je to kraj prvog dana.

Day 2 

I actually woke up very early around 07:30, and reason for that is I was very hungry. Of course my bestie left for work, but she left breakfast for me. Believe or not after that I felt so tired I went back to sleep. I let almost until 12. After that I took a long shower, washed my face, and started getting ready to explore Malta. My friend leaves close by the beach so I went to the beach to relax a little, after that I went and did a little shopping at square. At square you can eat, and buy souvenirs all there is a lot of tourist at square especially at night time. After my shopping tour I went home to take a quick shower, and have my first coffee of the day. After that me and my bestie went to Mcd to eat, which is not exciting, but we didn’t do that in a  long long time. After that we bought some mc cafe cakes, and went to the beach to eat it. Well we ended up our night with a bit of gossiping.

Dan 2

Zapravo sam probudila veoma rano oko 07:30, a razlog tome je bio što sam bila gladna. Naravno moja bestie je napravila doručak pre nego šo je otišla na posao i ostavila doručak u frižideru. Posle doručka sam se osećala troduplo više umorno i na svu žalos vratila sam se na spavanje do 12. Kada sam se probudila istuširala sam se, i krenula da se spremam i istražujem Maltu. Moja estie živi bukvalno na plaži pa sma se odlučila da odem na plažu i malo se opustim, ali posle toga sam se odlučila da se prošetam do trga i šopingujem. Na trgu možete da jedete, kupite suvenire uveče je sota turista na trgu. Polse moje mini šoping ture odlučila sam da se vratim natrag kući. ada sma se vratila moja bestie se probudila posle dremke i zajedno smo popile kafu, verujte to mi je bila prva kafa tog dana. Posle toga bestie i ja smo se vratili nazad na trg i otišli u mcd da jedemo, što nije uopšte uzbudljivo, ali nismo skoro bile zajedno u mcdu. Na kraju smo kupile kolače iz mc cafea i otišle na plažu da uživamo u slatkišima. Na kraju smo dan završile tračarenjem.

Day 3 

Well I was pretty excited to get up, and reason for that is we were going to Sliema. In Sliema you can find amazing bars, and cafes, and have wonderful shopping time, well I mostly went for shopping to be honest, and to walk, cuz I love to walk. My bestie was already waiting for me there I took bus to get to Sliema. It usually takes 1h from St Pauls bay to Sliema. After we enjoyed day shopping. I must say I found really amazing stuff there. They don’t have as much clothes as  other stores in Europe has mostly is summer stuff that you can find, and some fall stuff, and also prices are okay. On sale you can really find amazing stuff starting from 4 euros in almost any store. After hat can you guess where we went to lunch? Mcd again… After that we went for a long walk in Sliema, and took some selfies. We arrived home around 18, and after that we watched some movie.

Dan 3

Bila sam veoma uzbudjena kada sam se probudila, za razlog tome je što smo išilu u Sliemu. U Sliemi možete naći super barvoe i kafe, i imati super šoping, iskreno ja sam najviše otišla zbog šopinga i šetnje pošto obožavam da šetam. Moja bestie me je već čekala tam, a ja sam otišla busom do Slieme. Od St Pauls Baya do Slieme vam je potrebno odprilike sat vremena. Naravno uživali smo u šopingu. Iskreno pronašla zaista leoh stvari. U njihovim radnjama nema mnogo stvari kao što ima u ostalim Evropskim grdovima. Na sniženju možete naći super stvari po ceni od 4 eura, Pogodite gde smo posle toga otišli na ručak. Mcd ponovo. Posle toga smo išli u dugu šetnju i naravno nišeta ne može da prodje bez par selfija. Stigli smo kući negde oko 18 i gledali film.

Day 4 

Day for was pretty much not fun at all. We spent a day in eating, watching movies, talking. Well later I went to the beach with my little cousin before dinner., so that was nice, I love siting on the beach, and catching a little sun, because I have porcelain skin, so I went to catch a little bit of sun.

Dan 4

Četvrti dan nije bio nešto posbno uzbudljiv. Bestie i ja smo provele ceo dan u hrani, gledanju filmova, tračarenju i lenčarenju. Posle toga sam otišla na plažu sa mojim rodjakom tako da je bilo lepo sedeti na laži u uhvatiti malo sunca za promenu, pošto većina zna da volim svoju porcelansku kožu.

Day 5 

I felt so sick this day idk why, I was just so tired its unexplainable. I felt really really weak, and plus this day was extremely hot. I also spent this day actually night on the beach, and its quite nice going to the beach at night lots of people go to the beach, and they barbecue, and you can meet a lot of amazing people from all over Europe. 

Dan 5

Ne mogu da objasnim koliko sam se umorno osećala ovog dana, prvo sam mislila da sam mi nije dobro, ali sve je bio umor. Osećala sam se veoma slabo, a takodje je bilo pretoplo napolju. Takodje sam provlea ovaj dan odnosno veče sedeći na plaži, što je bilo veoma lepo i uveče dosta ljudi pravi roštilj na plaži. Možete uponzati dosta zanimljivih ljudi iz cele Evrope.

Day 6 

My bestie felt a bit ill so she didn’t go to work. We let until 10, and after that we decided to make pancakes, and eat like pigs because we didn’t ate anything in past few days ( just kitting) Well that took us a long tome to make, because we chatted most of the time, we enjoyed making it. That night we decided to go to Valetta, and I was very excited to visit Valetta. Valetta is a really beautiful old city. Its amazing you can find lots of tourist there, and some really cute cafes when’re you can drink coffee during day, and eat amazing dinner at night. We stayed until 22. We arrived home around eleven, and remembered that we talked for really long time until we went to bed. 

Dan 6

Mojoj bestie nije bilo dobro pa je rešila da ostane kući. Spavale smo od prilike do 10 i pose toga smo odlučile da pravimo palačinke pošto nismo ništa jele posebno u ovih par dana ( to je samo šala očigledno). Mislim da smo spremale te palačinke od 10 do 15 od prilike, zato što nismo zaklopile koliko smo pričale, ali smo uživale u pripremanju. Posle silnog ždranja smo se odlučile da odemo u Valettu, ja sam posebno bila srećna što ću ići u Valettu. Valetta je stvarno prelepi grad. Možete videti dosta turista iz svih krajeva sveta, preko dana možete popiti kafu u slatkim kafeima i restoranima, dok uveče možete uživati u večeri. Ostali smo u Valetti od prilike do 22 za to vreme smo uživali u šetnji i slikali se naravno, kada smo stigli negde oko 23 mislim da smo do kasno pričali o raznim temam i na kraju je usledio spavanjac.

Day 7 

Well this day was quite sad actually. I remember I woke very sad  because I had some strange dream. Also I had one more day at Malta, so I spent with my bestie and kind of started packing a little ( not at all )later that night we went for a walk and that was the end.

Dan 7

Ovaj dan mi je io veoma tužan. Sećam se da sam se probudila veoma tužna iz razloga što sam imala veoma čudan san. Takodje mi je ovo bio predzadnji dan na Malti tako da sam ga prvela što je više moguće sa mojom bestie i naavno krenula sam da se pkauje malo ( ne uopšte) kasnije te večeri smo rešili da prošetamo i to je bilo to.

Day 8

I woke up a bit sad. I quickly showers got ready and left for Sliema, because I wanted to buy something at Zara, and Mac. After that funny thing happened I feel a sleep in bus, and ended up in Mellieha, I was like where am I? Luckily its easy to get home. After that I started packing took a shower got ready, and waited for my bestie to get home, and go to the airport. We left on time, but there was a car crash, and we were late for my flight. By the time that we got to the airport boarding already started, but not today. Something went wrong with check in at Malta airport system crashed a few times, and some people waited for two hours to check in. Luckily for me I arrived when check in started. Everything after that went really fast check in, passport control. We suppose to live at 20h, but we were late an hour. While we were taking off I was think of all amazing time that I had at Malta, and with my bestie. I know one thing for sure I ll be back next year for longer period.

Dan 8

Ponovo sam se probudila malkice tužna. Na brzaka se istuširala spremila i otišla do Slieme, razlog moje ponovne posete je bio to što sam htela da kupim još par stvarčica u Zari i Macu. Kada sam se vračala najzanimljivija stvar se dogodila zaspala sam u autobusu i završila na Melliehi, kada sma se probudila bila sam u fazonu bože gde se ja nalazim? Na svu sreću bilo je veoma veoma lako da se vratim nazad. Kada sam stigla teška srca sam krenula da se pakujem, još jednom se istuširala, spremila i čekala bestie da se vrati sa posla da odem na aerodrom. Krenule smo na vreme, ali se dogodila saobraćajna neserća, i kada smo stigle na aerodrom ukrcavanje je već počelo, ali ne i danas. Nešto se dogodilo na check in šalterima, pao im je sistem i nisu mogli da ga pokrenu dva plus sata. To je bila moja velika sreća u suprotnom bih propustila let. Trebali smo da poletimo u 20, ali smo kasnili sat vremena. Dok smo poletali razimšljala sam o svim super stvarima koje su se dogodile u predhodnih 8 dana, znam jednu stvar vratiću se sledeće godine na duži period.

After travel depression : D

Thats all cuties. If you have any question about Malta, and other amazing stuff that you can do there, that I unfortently didn’t do leave it in a comment xo

To je sve moji slatkiši. Ako imate nekih pitanja u vezi Malta, ili o nekim super stvarima koje možete raditi na Malti, a verujte mi ima ih dosta, ostavite vaše pitanje u komentaru xo 

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  1. I like Malta it's very nice place to visit it's full of history and quirky stores. The only problem can be the heat. I've found from my Mam's experience it's best to avoid August all together. I love the history of place and Valletta is beautiful and it has really interesting museums.

    1. I agree with you. It's amazing place to visit. I really loved it. Nice people, easy to find go everywhere. I also agree about heat. Unfotenelty August was my free month, because I had internship in July. I'll self it'll go back next year and stay bit longer :)


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