Shop with me: Malta haul MAC, ZARA, NYX, Top Shop, MANGO \ Kupujte sa mnom: Malta haul MAC, ZARA, NYX, Top Shop, MANGO
Hey cuties! Welcome back to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. In todays post you are going to find out what I bought in Malta. I hope you are going to love it, and also I redesigned my blog again so I hope you are going to like that too. So lets start.
Ćao slatkiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog, nadam se da ste svi dobro. U današnjem postu ćete saznati šta sam kupila na Malti. Nadam da će vam se dopasti sve što sam kupilla i takodje sam redizajnirala svoj blog ponovo pa se nadam da će vam se i to takodje dopasti. Pa počnimo.
First, store is Beauty Queen. This store is really amazing. Here you can find Korean cosmetics which is one of the best for skin care. I bought two product, and my bestie bought me a small present. Products that I bought are face foam baking powder, and setting powder, and cookie mirror was present. I am going to do review for this amazing brand very soon so stay tuned for that.
Prva, radnja koju sam posetila jeste Beauty Queen radnja. Ova radnja je stvarno fantastična. U ovoj radnji možete kupiti kozmetiku iz Južne Koreje, a većina zna da je kozmetika iz Koreje najbolja u nezi kože. Ja sam kupila dva proizvoda i jedan mali poklončić sam dobila od svoje bestie. Proizvodi koje sam kupila su face foam baking powder i puder za setovanje, a cookie ogledalce je bio poklon od bestie. Uradiću recenziju za ove proizvode uskoro tako da ostanite u toku što se tiče recenzije proizvoda koje sam kupila.
Next, store is Debenhams. I bought two items that were on sale. I bought grey asymmetrical blouse, and a pretty bracelets that was on more than amazing sale. Previous price was 22 euros I bought it for 6,60 which more than 50% off.
Sledeća radnja je Debenhams. Ovde sam kupila dve stvarčice koje su bile na sniženju, Kupila sivu asimetričnu bluzu i narukvicu koja je bila na veoma dobrom sniženju, Originalna cena narukvice pre sniženja je bila 22 eura ja sam je kupila za samo 6,60 eura. To je više nego 50% sniženja što je više nego super.
Next store is Top shop. I didn’t really find anything that I like in this store. Either it was overpriced or I didn’t like it. I bought this lace blouse on sale, and makeup bag, because I really needed bigger makeup bag where I can put all of my stuff.
Sledeća radnja je Top Shop. Iskreno nisam naišla na stvari koje mi se dopadaju. Ili su bile preskupe, ili mi se nisu dopale. Šta sam našla da mi se dopalo jeste lace bluza i neseser, on mi je bio preko potreban iz razloga što su mi svi neseseri premali.
Next store is ZARA. ZARA had amazing sale, but I only bought one t-shirt dress. I love t-shirt dresses, because you can wear it as a dress, or you can add jeans to it. They are very amazing, and great for lazy days.
Sledeća radnja je ZARA. ZARA je imala savršena sniženja, ali ja sam samo kupila jednu haljina majicu. Ja ih obožavam iz razloga što ih mozete nositi kao haljine, ili dodati farmerke pa može biti duga majica. Savršene su za lenje dane kada vas mrzi da se spremate.
Next, store is MANGO. In MANGO I bought few items. To be precise I bought four. I bought two t-shirt, black jeans, and one black cardigan.
Sledeća, radnja je MANGO. U MANGU sam kupila par stvarčica. Da budem precizna četiri. Kupila sam dve majice, crne farmerke i jedan crn kardigan.
Next,store is NYX. I bought to soft matte lip cream. I bought shade Amsterdam, and Transylvania. I am going to do review for both of these shades very very soon.
Sledeća, radnja je NYX. Kupila sam soft matte lip cream ruža. Nijanse koje sam kupila su Amsterdam i Transylvania. Za ove ruževe ću uraditi recenziju. ( post sl nedelje).
Next, store is Pull & Bear. I went there to buy accessories. I found some very nice accessories, and my total for everything I bought was 12,97 which amazing considering that one set was around 10 euros.
Sledeća, radnja je Pull & Bear. Ovu radnju sam posetila da kupim aksesoare. I našla sam veoma lepe aksesoare i moj račun za sve što sam kupila je bio 12,97 evra što je savršeno s obzirom da jedan set je oko 10 evra.
Next, store is MAC. I bought Rebel. I wanted that shade since last year, and I finally have it. This shade is the most perfect shade for fall, and now I have 8 MAC lipsticks in my collection.
Sledeća, radnja je MAC. Kupila sam Rebel. Ovu nijansu sam želela još od prošle godine i napokon je moja. Ova nijansa je čisto savršenstvo za jesen. I sada imam 8 MAC ruževa u svojoj kolekciji.
Next, store is one of my favourite, and that is The Body Shop. As you all probably know The Body Shop has some of the best body care products, and also skin care products. I bought 2 body butters in satsuma, and pink grapefruit scents. I bought hand cream in scent shea, and I highly recommend you these cream. My bestie bought me lipstick, and I bought tea tree oil which is one of the most amazing oils that I ever tried.
Sledeća, radnja je jedna od mojih omiljenih, a to je The Body shop. Kao što već svi znate The Body Shop ima neke od najboljih proizvoda za negu tela i za negu lica. Kupila sam dva body buttera u satsuma i pink grapefruit mirisu. Kupila sam takodje i kremicu za ruke sa shea mirisom i preporučujem vam da je obavezno kupite. Moja bestie mi je kupila karim i na kraju sam kupila tea tree oil, ovo ulje je jedno od najboljih koje sam ikada probala što se tiče nege lica.
Next, store is Victorias secret. This comes in duty free part. I bought two sets. One set is set of five small size body lotions, and other set is pure seduction set. Pure seduction is my favourite Victorias secret set.
Sledeća, radnja je Victorias secret. Ovo spada u deo duty free kupovine. Kupila sam dva seta. Jedan set je set od pet mini losiona za telo, a drugi set je Pure seduction set ( sadržaj možete videti na fotografije dole). Pure Seduction je moj omiljeni Victorias secret miris.
Next, store is Yves Roche. Yves Roche had a sale so I decided to buy some body care. I must say I renewed my body care collection. I bought two lotions, and one amazing gel body scrub. I talked about this body scrubs last year, and how amazing they are.
Sledeća, radnja je Yves Roche. Yves Roche je imao sniženje pa sam se odlučila da kupim proizvode za negu tela. Moram priznati da sam obnovila svoju kolekciju za negu tela ovom kupovinom. Kupila sam dva losiona i jedan piling za telo. O ovom pilingu sam pričala prošle godine i o tome koliko su dobri.
Next, store was actually my pre flight shopping relaxation. I went to Sephora not because I wanted, its because my mom wanted to buy something, and I was extremely excited I almost faint. That happens to me when I am very exited about stuff, so I decided a little bit of pre flight shopping can’t hurt anyone except my credit card. I bought I bought a few things. First thing is YSL opium perfume. I wanted this perfume for longest time, and I finally bought it. If you like extremely sweet perfumes you will like this one. Next products are by Sephora I bought a serum, and body lotion that smells absolutely amazing. Also I bought Hair spray by Lancaster, and two nail polishes at checkout. So that was my pre flight shopping.
Sledeća, radnja je zapravo moje opuštanje pred let. Otišla sam do Sephore ne zato što mi je nešto trebalo, nego je mama želela da kupi nešto i ja sam bila ekstremno uzbudjena umalo se nisam onesvestila. To mi se dogadja kada sam uzbudjena zbog nekih stvari pa sam se odlučila za mali šoping pre leta, naravn nikoga ne može da povredi osim moje kreditne kartice. Kupila sam par stvarčica. Prva je bila YSL opium parfem. Želela sam ovaj parfem još prošle godine i napokon sam ga kupila. Ako voliko ekstremno slatke parfeme ovaj parfem će vam se definitivno dopasti. Sledeći proizvodi su od Spehore kupila sam losion i serum za lice. Takodje sam kupila Lancaster Sprej za kosu i dva laka za nokte na kasi. Takod da je to moj šoping pre leta.
Of course I bought some little souvenirs to remind me of my amazing time at Malta. iPhone case was present from my little cousin.
Naravno kupila sam i suvnire da me podsećaju na moj nezaboravni odmor na Malti. iPhone maska je poklon od rodjaka.
That is all for this post. I hope you enjoyed xo.
To je sve za ovaj post nadam se da ste uživali xo.
Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite blog prko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku i budite deo porodice slatkiša.
Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali!
Follow my blog xo
That is a big haul,
ОдговориИзбришиI was in Malta too, recently.
Now looking at it I see how much I bought, and I didn't spent that much money to be honest, most of the stuff was on sale. I hope you had great time at Malta xo
ИзбришиBeautiful blog dear! Amazing post! NEW WISHLISTS--> Please view the post and leave a comments in my blog =))
ОдговориИзбришиThank you so much :)
ИзбришиI like Malta, I've been there a couple of times since my mam has place out there. I love the architecture and tend go for the odd shop. It's interesting place to go, despite being a small Island.
ОдговориИзбришиI agree with you. I also love Malta this was my first time, and it was love at the first sight. It s small, but you can do a lot of stuff there.
ИзбришиNYX ruzevi su prelepi <3
ОдговориИзбришиJesu predivni su :D <3 hvala na komentaru xo
ИзбришиWow I love it all! The baking powder looks fab!
Thank you so much for your comment, and yes baking powder is fab :D
ИзбришиNameravam da uzmem ovo ulje od Body SHopa, kakvo je? :)
ОдговориИзбришиUzmi ga obavezno nećeš se pokajati :D
ИзбришиBogami je "bogat [len" sve tu ti stvarcice lepe
ОдговориИзбришиŠtedelo se :D hvala puno na komentaru xo
ИзбришиI adore everything you got! Such an amazing Haul <3 I especially love the fluorescent makeup bag, very futuristic and spacious, I love it.
ОдговориИзбришиSending love from A So Called Beauty Blog // Bloglovin'
Thank you so much I love
ИзбришиMakeup bag too. Best thing was it was on sale 50% thank you so much for
Your comment :)