Drugstore dupe dupe for Kylie Jenner MaryJo K & Kourt K \ Drogerijska zamena za Kylie Jenner Mary Jo K i Kourt K


Hey cuties! Welcome back to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. In todays post I am going to show you two more dupes for Kylie Jenner lip kits. Again I didn’t get any, because they are always sold out, and I really wanted to buy birthday collection. Dupes that I am going to show you today are for Mary Jo K and Kourt K. So lets start.

Ćao slatkiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog, nadam se da ste svi dobro. U danšnjem postu ću vam pokazti još dve zamene za Kylie Jenner lip kit. Na svu žalost nisam uspela da iha naručim, mnogo brzo su se rasprodali kao i svakog puta, a želela sam da kupim celu rodjendansku kolekciju. Zamene koje ću vam danas pokazati su za Mary Jo K i Kourt K. Pa počnimo.

Dupes that I am going to show you today are from NYX cosmetics. As you all know I went to Malta, and there was NYX store so I decided to stop buy, and I ended up with two lipsticks. Shades that I bought are called Amsterdam and Transylvania.

Zamene koju ćuvam pokazati danas su od NYX kozmetike. Kao što već znate odmor sam provela na Malti i tamo se otvorila NYX radnja pa sam rešila da svratim i kupila sam dva ruža. Nijanse koje sam kupila se zovu Amsterdam i Transyvania.

Amsterdam is of course dupe for Mary Jo K. Amsterdam is a little bit lighter one shade lighter to be precise, but all in all its perfect dupe for Mary Jo K. Whatever you decided to get you won’t be disappointed. For know I am using NYX until I can get my hands on Kylie lip kits.

Amsterdam je naravno zamena za MAry Jo K. Amsterdam je malo svetlija nijansa u odnosu na Mary Jo K, ali sve u svemu je super pristupačna zamena za Mary Jo K. Ako se odlučite da kupite nećete se razočarati u ovu nijansu, a ni proizvod. Za sada ću koristi NYX zamene dok se ne dočepam Kylie lip kitova.

Transylvania is dupe for Kourt K. I want to get Kourt K so bad, and I know next time it s going to be mine. This shade is dark perfect for fall. Transylvania is a bit less pigmented than Kourt K, but you can add another layer to make it more pigmented. I know that I am going to wear this shade during fall.

Transylvania je zamena za Kourt K. Najviše sam želela d akupim Kourt K, tako da sledećeg puta kada bude restock Kourt ke će biti u mojoj korpi. Ova nijansa je savršena za jesen. Transylvania je manje pigmentovana nijansa u odnosu na Kourt K tako da morate dodati još jedan sloj. Definitivno znam da ću nositi ovu nijansu tokom jeseni.

Now a bit about lipsticks. They cost 9,99 euros. In Serbia you can buy them in Alexandar cosmetics or on their website they have all shades I think. You get 8ml of product for that money, and they are also very small, and are perfect for traveling. They are not pigmented as I expected, and they are a bit patchy. Great thing is they don’t fell dry on the lips, because they are very creamy, and fell hydrating on the lips. 

Sada malo više o ruževima. Koštali su 9,99 evra. U Srbiji ih možete ih naći u Alexandru, ili na njihovom sajtu i mislim da imaju sve nijanse. Za tu cenu dobijate 8ml, takodje su veoma mali i savršeni za putovanja. Iskreno nisu pigmentovani koliko sam očekivala, i malo su nejednaki. Najbolja stvar je što ne isušuju usne zato što su veoma kremasti i hidriraju usne. 

Well that’s all for this post cuties. I hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment, and tell me which is your favourite Kylie Jenner shade? 

To je sve za ovaj post slatkiši. Nadam se da ste uživali. Ostavite komentar i recite mi vašu omiljenu Kylie Jenner nijansu.

Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
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Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite blog prko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku i budite deo porodice slatkiša.
Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 


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