Fashion haul H&M, Pull & Bear, ZARA


Hey cuties! Welcome back to my blog. I hope you are all doing well. Today's post is going to be fashion haul from H&M, Zara & Pull & Bear. I am going to show you what I bought. So let's start.

Ćao slatkiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog. Nadam se da ste dobro. Današnji post će biti fashion noviteti iz H&M, Zare, Pull & Beara. Pokazacću vam šta sam kupila. Pa počnimo

First, I want to show you stuff  that I got from H&M. I love H&M, and their stuff. They have really good quality affordable items. This time I got black skinny jeans, and they are not black black they have little bit of grey on them. You know that I only wear black or grey skinny jeans so these are great for my collection. Also these jeans are super stretchy & they don't lose shape at all you can wash them as many times as you want they will never lose shape, and they will alway look new. Next item that I bought is  black sweater. Believe or not I don't own any one colored sweater, and ofc black is my favourite colour so I bought black sweater, and I absolutely love it. It fits perfectly & its very soft. Next Item that I bought bought are pair of boots, and I like them a lot , because they are black, second they are affordable, third I love ankle boots. I also got gorgeous pyjama, but it's washing day & unfortunately I don't have photo, but I am going to find pic & put it in this post. Also I got silver cuff bracelet & fur pum pum. I love it s faux fur ofc, but very soft.

Prvo, ću vam pokazati stvari koje sam kupila u H&M-u. Volim H&M i njihove stvari. Imaju stvari koje su dobrog kvaliteta i vrlo su pristupacčne. Ovo puta sam kupila crne skinny 
jeans, i nisu crne crne imaju malo sive na sebi. Kao što znate ja samo nosim crne farmerke ili sive tako da su ove super za moju kolekciju. Takodje ove farmerke su strechy i ne gube oblik tako da možete da ih perete koliko god poželite i uvek će biti kao nove. Sledeća, stvar koju sam kupila je crni džempe. Verovali ili ne nemam ni jedan jednobojni džemper, i naravno crna je moja omiljena boja tako da sam kupila crni džemper koji obožavam. Savršeno pristaje i veoma je mekan. Sledeča stvar koju sam kupila jesu čizme, koje mi se dosta dopadaju, zato što su crnem drugo veoma su pristupačne, treće volim anke cčizme. Takodje sam kupila prelepu pidžamu, ali nažalost bio je dan za pranje tako da nemam fotografiju, ali ću naći fotografiju i stavicću je u post. Takodje sam kupila srebrnu narukvicu, i pum pum od krzna. Obožavam ga naravno od lažnog je krzna, i veoma mekan.

Lets move on to Pull & Bear. I got another pair of ankle boots. These pair has gold zipper on the side that I love, and they are leather, a bit more elgant. I also got a bag. Yea I Don't always buy designer bags. I love shape of this bag reminds me a bit on Louis Vuitton speedy & price is absoultly amazing.

Da predjemo na Pull &Bear. Kupila sam još jedan par čizmi. Ovaj par ima zlatan rajsfešlus sa strane koji volim, ove su od kože malo više elegantne. Takodje sam kupila torbu. Da ja ne kupujem uvek dizajnerske torbe. Volim oblik ove torbe podseća me malo na Louis Vuitton speedy & cena je apsolutno super.

Last store that I went to is Zara. Ofc I got my lovely snow feeling beanie.  I am wearing that beanie all the time I am absolutely in love. Also I got big gorgeous scarf.

Zadnja radnja koju sam posetila je ZARA. Naravno tamo sam kupila moju snow feeling kapicu. I nosim je non stop apsolutno je obožavam. Takodje sam kupila veliki dovni šal.

I hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment, and tell me did you get anything from one of this stores recenlty  ?
Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
Also don't forget to like my fb page, and follow me instagram so we can chat!

Nadam se da ste uživali. Ostavite komentar i recite mi da li ste kupili nešto u ovim radnjama u skorije vreme ?
Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite blog prko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku i budite deo porodice slatkiša,
Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 


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