Products I regret buying Neutrogena, macadamia, batiste


Hey cuties! How are you today? In today's post I am going to talk about products I regret buying. This is my first I regret buying post. Mind that maybe some of this product will work for you, because we all have different skin, hair etc. They didn't work for my hair, and skin. If they work for you and you like that is  great!

Ćao slatkiši! Kako ste danas? U današnjem postu cu pričati o proizvodima koji su me razočarali. Ovo je moj prvi prozivodi koji su me razočarali post. Imajte na umu da neki od ovih proizvoda rade za vas, zato što svi imamo drugačiju kožu kosu itd.  Nisu učinili ništa za moju kosu i kožu. Ako rade za vas i volite ih to je super! 

First, let's start with skin care products.
Prvo hajdemo da započnemo sa proizvodima za negu kože.

I have two skin care products that I didn't like. They are Neutrogena  visibly clear scrub, and toner. I used Neutrogena products  before, and It okay for y skin. This two product started making my skin even more dry, and my skin started flaking which never happened before. When I stopped using them my skin went back to normal.

Imam dva proizvoda za negu kože koji mi se nisu dopali. To su Neutrogena visibly clear piling i tonik. Koristila sam pre Neutrogenine proizovde i odgovarali su mojoj koži. Ova dva proizvoda su pravila moju kožu više suvom, i moja koža je krenula da se ljušti što se nikada pre nije dogodilo. Kada sam prestala da ih koristim moja koža se vratila u normalu.

Let's move on to hair care products.
Idemo na proizode za negu kosu.

First, I'm going to start with dry shampoos. I have two one is by batiste, and other one is by lilly. Lilly dry shampoo didn't really done anything. My hair still looked oily, and also flat with no volume . Great thing is I got travel size. Second dry shampoo is Batiste XXL volume. I was so happy when I got this dry shampoo. I even mentioned in one of my new in posts. But whenever I used this products my hair was so dry, and I can fill when I touched build up my hair has some weird texture. Actually this product made my hair fall out so definitely not gonna use or buy it ever!

Prvo ću početi sa suvim šamponima. Ima ih dva jedan je batiste, a drugi je Lilly. Lilly suvi šampon nije  učinio ništa posebno. Moja kosa je i dalje izgledala mastno, i bila je slepljena i bez volumena. Dobra stvar je da sam kupila travel size. Drugi suvi šampon je batiste XXL volume. Bila sam srećna kada sam dobila ovaj suvi šampon. Čak sam ga pomenula i u jednom od noviteta. Kada god sam koristila ovaj proizovd moja kosa je bila suva, kada dodirnem kosu mogla sam da osetim kako se proizovd nagomilao, i moja kosa je imala čudnu teksturu. Zapravo ovaj proizovd je učinio da moja kosa opada tako da ga neću viśe koristiti niti kupovati.

Next products is shampoo by Biomelem. It's their shampoo for thickness, and oily hair. My hair in first two weeks was so amazing it had volume, it was less oily it just was amazing I loved it. But after that I don t know what happened my hair was so flat, and oily I thought that is because of the leave in conditioner. In the end it was because of this shampoo, and the saddest part is it made my scalp flaking, and it was itchy. Since I stop using it my hair, and scalp are back to normal. 

Sledeći proizovd je šampon od Biomelema. To je njihov šampon za gustinu i mastnu kosu. Moja kosa je u prve dve nedelje imala volumen i bila je manje mastna bila je fantastična mnogo mi se svidjala. Posle toga se nešto dogodilo i moja kosa je izgledala slepljeno, i masno. Mislila sam da je to zbog leave in regeneratora. Na kraju se ispostavilo da je zbog šampona i najtužnija stvar je to što mi se koža sa temena ljuštila. Kada sam prestala da ga kosristim kosa se vratila u normalu.

Next productis is leave in conditioner. That is L'oreal elseve total repair leave in conditioner. This is really great product if your hair is damaged or dry. I have really dry ends so this was perfect leave in conditioner, and one of my good friends recommended me this product . After a while I guess my hair was like I don t want this anymore and actually started being sticky, and it was hard to brush my hair. I am really sad, because smell of this conditioner is so nice.

Sledeći proizovd je leave in regenerator.  To je Lorealov total repair leave in regenerator. Ovo je sjajan proizovd ako vama je kosa uništena ili suva. Moji krajevi su jako suvi i ovo je bio savršen proizovd za moje krajeve, i jedna od mojih prijateljica mi je preporučila ovaj proizovd. Posle dužeg vremena moja kosa je bila u fazonu ne svidja mi se ovo više i krenula je da se lepi i bilo je teško očešljati je. Veoma sam tužna zato što ovaj regenerator miriše savršeno.

Next product is hairspray by Revlon. It's their style masters photo finisher hairspray I got this hairspray in glam box. I rarely use hairspray, but when I used it I want my hair to stay n place I don't want my hair to move, and to be sticky, and hard to brush. Well this hairspray doesn't hold at all, but smell of this hairspray is really nice. At least my hair smelled nice.

Sledeći proizovd je lak za kosu od Revlona. To je njihov style master photo finisher lak za kosu koji sam dobila u Glam boksu. Ja retko koristim lakove za kosu, ali kada ih koristim želim da moja kosa ostane u mestu, da ne bude lepljiva, i da se lako češlje. Ovaj lak za kosu nije držao moju kosu, ali miris ovog laka je veoma lepa. Na kraju krajeva barem mi je kosa lepo mirisla. 

And last but not least is macadamia natural oil comb. I got this at touch of paris in march, and I was very excited to try it out. This brush should  is great to brush your hair when you have oil in your hair or conditioner. To be honest I used it to brush my hair once, and it was enough to stop using it forever. I never brush my hair wet I always brush my hair dry this brush break off my hair I was like what!? My hair never breaks but this brush did the impossible. I love no tangle brush by macadamia but this comb is big NO NO !

I poslednji, ali ne i nebitan proizovd je macadamia natural oil češalj. Dobila sam ga na dodiru Pariza u martu, i bila sam veoma uzbudjena da ga isprobam. Ova četka bi trebalo da bude odlična za rasčešljavanje kose kada imate ulje ili regenerator. Da budem iskrena koristila sam je jednom i to je bilo dovoljno da prestanem da je koristim zauvek.  Ja nikada ne češljem moju kosu kada je mokra uvek kada je suva  ova četka je iskidala moju kosu bila sam u fazonu šta?! Moja kosa se nikada ne kida, ali ova četka je učinila nemoguće. Volim no tengle četku od macadamie, ali ovaj češalje je veliko NE NE!

That's all for this post cuties! I hope you enjoyed! Leave a comment, and tell me product that you regret buying?
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