AVON Haul No2


Hi cuties! How are you today? In today's post I have another Avon haul. I recently bought  some products from Avon, and decided to get some more. In case you missed my previous Avon haul you definitely check it out! So now let's see what I bought this time.

Ćao slatkiši! Kako ste danas? U današnjem postu imam još jedan haul iz Avona. Nedavno sam kupila proizovde iz Avona, i odlučila da kupim još. U koliko ste propustili moj prošli haul od Avona definitivno ga pogledajte! Sada hajde da vidimo šta sam kupila ovog puta.

First, I want to start with skin care products. I bought three skin care products. First one is planet spa luxurious peel off face mask with black caviar. You know that I love face masks, and soon I am going to do favorite face mask post. I heard lots of good stuff about this one. It came in a box. Packaging is black, and gold I mean perfection! When you apply it you can actually see that mask has some shimmer in it idk why it has shimmer to be honest but okay I ain't mad a that.

Prvo ću početi sa  proizvodima za  negu kože. Kupila sam tri proizovda za negu kože. Prvi je planet spa lukuzna peel off maska sa crnim kavijarom. Znate da volim maske za lice i uskoro ću uraditi post sa oiljenim maskama. Čula sam dosta dobrih stvari o ovoj masci.
Došla je sa kutijom. Pakovanje je crno i zlatno savršenstvo! Kada je naneste možete videti da maska sadrži sedef iskreno ne znam zašto zadrži sedef ali ne ljutim se.

Next, product that I bought is rose water. Actually I bought two to have in stock. I love rose water, because it removes my makeup so well, and wakes me up in the morning. Also it calms my face when I look puffy. So this is the best product that you can buy. It's also inexpensive I think I paid around 200 rsd for one, and you can find it anywhere.

Sledeći, proizvod koji sam kupila je ružina vodica. Zapravo sam kupila dve da imam u zalihama. Volim ružinu vodicu, zato što savršeno uklanja šminku i probudi me ujutru. Takodje umiriju mi lice kada izgledam naduveno. 
Ovo je najbolji proizovd koji možete kupiti. Takodje je jeftin mislim da sam platila oko 200 dinara za jedno pakovanje, i možete je naći svuda.

Now let's move on to make up.
Prelazimo na šminku.

I bought three eyeshadows. Mainly because I realized that I am using 2 shadows of two pallets, and when I travel I have to carry pallets, and they take  lot of space, its easier to carry single shadows. I bought  blackest black which is ofc black shadow. It's really pigmented, and I like it. Next, is soft vanilla which is perfect for brow highlight,and last one pink petal perfect baby pink shade. Its great for soft, and  everyday look or if you don't like to wear like smokey eyes this one is great in combination with soft vanilla.

Kupila sam tri senke. Najviše zato što sam shvatila da uvek koristim dve iste senke sa dve palete, i kada putujem moram da nosim palete koje zauzimaju dosta mestam lakše je nositi pojedinačne senke. Kupila sam blackest black što je naravno crna senka. Veoma je pigmentovana i to mi se svidja. Sledeća je soft vanilla koja je savršena kao hajlajt obrve, i poslednja je pink petal savršenja bejbi pink nijansa. Super je za nežan i svakodnevni izgled ili ako ne volite smokey eyes ovo je savršena kombinacija sa soft vanillom.

Well I think you can guess shade of one lipstick. Yes, no, maybe? Ofc one shade is pink not pink pink more pink with brown tone more on the nude side. Other shade  is way out of my comfort zone it's purple, and I adore it. I originally wanted to buy Mac's rebel, but they didn't have it. This shade is perfect I can t wait to wear it. Pigmentation of this lipsticks is really amazing big applause! Plus they are super duper affordable, and you have lots of shades so it's perfect for everyone. I don't really know how much they stay on the lip, because I didn't have time to wear it, but I will let you know.

Mislim da možete da pogodite jednu nijansu ruža. Da, ne, možda?  Narano jedna nijansa je roze ne roze roze više roze sa braon tonom više na nude strani.
Druga nijansa je izvan moje komorne zone to je ljubičasta i obožavam je. Originalno sam želela da kupim Mac-ov Rebel ruž, ali nisu ga imali.
Ova nijansa je savršena jedva čekam da je nosim. Pigmentacija ovih ruževa je stvarno savršena veliki aplauz! Plus su veoma pristupačni, i imate da izabere dosta nijansi koje će zadovoljiti svakoga. Ne znam koliko dugo ostaju na usnama, zato što nisam imala vremena da ih nosim, ali obavestiću vas.

Now let's move onto body care. I was so excited to see that my favorite scent of all times is in Avon. Ofc I have to buy it. It's Sugar plum, and Vanilla. This is my favorite holiday scent of all times. I wear this all the time during winter it reminds me on cold weathers, sweaters, books, fireplace, cold nights, hot coco, and many other stuff. Smell of sugar plum, and vanilla makes this perfect combination, but vanilla is main scents of this so thats reason why is my all time favorite, because I am vanilla fan No 1. I also bought  two body mist. I think I had almost all of them. Avon has the best body mists if you like fruity, and floral scents. I got two of my favorites. First is Juicy pomegranate, and mango. Mango is my favorite fruit of all times at this moment while I am writing this post I am dreaming of juicy mango for lunch. If you like mango this scent is perfect for you, because you will smell juicy. This scents reminds me of summer, hot weather, cocktails. And last one cherry blossom this scents is my spring/fall scent. Reminds me on nature changing colors everything getting green flowers blooming, and fall when everything is orange, and brown, and of long walks during fall.

Da predjemo na negu tela. Bila sam uzbudjena kada sam videla moj omiljeni miris svih vremena u Avonu. Naravno morala sam da kupim. To je sugar plum & vanilla. To je moj omiljeni praznični miris svih vremena. Nosim ga tokom cele zime i podseća me na hladno vreme, džempere, knjige, kamin, hladne noći, toplu čokoladu i mnoge druge stvari. Miris sugar plum ( ušećerene šljive) i vanile čini savršenu kombinaciju, ali vanila je glavni miris to je razlog zašto je moj omiljeni miris svih vremena zato što sam vanila fan No1. Takodje sam kupila dva body mista. Mislim da sam imala skoro sve. Prvi je sočni nar i mango. Mango je moje omiljeno voće svih vremena i dok pišem ovaj post sanjam o socčnom mangu za ručak. Ako volite mango ovaj miris je savršen za vas zato što ćete mirisati sočno. Ovaj miris me podseća na leto, toplo vreme, koktele. I zadnji je Cherry blossom 
( cvetanje tršnje) ovo je prolećni/ letnji miris. Podseća me na prirodu koja menja boje se postaje zeleno cveće sveta, i jesen gde je sve narandžasto, i braon, i na duge jesenje šetnje.

And last three things that I bought are beauty essential. I Bought nail file to easily remove cuticles ehh we all hate them. I also bought file for heel, because my old one served it purpose, and I like this one because it's easier to remove dead skin, and I am someone who really really takes care of my skin. And last thing is concealer brush. I lost my old one. I am some one who like to apply concealer with brush instead fingers.

I zadnje tri stvarcčice koje sam kupila su bjuti aksesoari. Kupila sam turpiju za lako uklanjanje zanoktica niko ih ne voli. Takodje sam kupila turpiju za pete zato što je stara odslužila svoje, ova mi se svodja zato što je lakše ukloniti mrtvu kožu ja sam neko ko stvarno stvarno vodi računa o koži. Poslednja stvar je četkica za korektor. Izgubila sam staru. Ja sam neko ko nanosi korktor četkicom umesto prstima.

That's all for this post. I hope you enjoyed leave a comment, and tell me your favorite winter scent?
Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated.
Also follow me on instagram, and like my facebook page.

To je sve za ovaj post. Nadam se da ste uživali ostavite komentari recite mi vaš omiljeni zimski miris. Takodje ne zaboravite da me pratite preko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku
Takodje me pratite na instagramu i lajkujte moju fejsbuk stranicu.


Song of the day: fleetwood mac Seven Wonders 

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