Too Faced Better than sex mascara review


Hey cutie? How are you today? In today's post I am going to do review of Better than sex mascara by Too Faced.

Ćao slatkiš! Kako ste danas? U današnjem posto ćuuraditi recenziju Better than sex maskare od Too Faceda.

I bought this mascara in Paris when I was on my holiday. Of course I bought it in Sephora, and I paid 23,90 euros. This my most expensive mascara.

Ovu maksaru sam kupila u Parizu kada sam bila na odmoru.
Naravno maskara je kupljena u Sephori i plaćena je 23,90 eura. Ovo je moja najskuplja maskara.

`Packaging of this mascara is baby pink, and on front it says Too Faced Better than sex mascara.
Now part that you are all interested in is does this mascara really gives volume to your lashes like they say?

Pakovanje ove maskare je bejbi roze i napred piše Too Faced Better than sex mascara.
E sada onaj glavni deo koji vas interesuje jeste da li ova maskara stvarno daje volumen trepavicama kao što tvrde? 

And that is completely true. This is one of the best high end end mascara that I used. If you like volume, and you want big thick lashes this is the best mascara for you. Personally I don't have big, and thick lashes, but when I put better than sex everyone is asking me do you wear false lashes?

Of course everything is in the brush. This brush is made to make every single of your lash big, and make it thick so that gives illusion of long and gorgeous lashes.
Only thing that I don't like is sometimes it can make small lumps, and it dries too fast. If you want to apply second coat of mascara you have to do it fast. Also its great for you bottom lashes.
If you lie big volume lashes I recommend you to go to your local Sephora, and get this mascara. I used it since july ,and I love it.

I to je potpuno tačno. Ovo je jedna od najboljih high-end maskara koju sam koristila. 
Ako volite volumen i velike guste trepavice ovo je najbolja maskara za tebe. Lično ja nemam velike i guste trepavice ali kada stavim better than sex svi me pitaju da li nosim lažne trepavice? 

Naravno sve je u četkici. Ova četkica je napravljena tako da svaku trepavicu učini gustom što daje iluziju dugih divnih trepavica.
Jednina stvar koja mi se ne dopada jeste što ponekada napravi male grudvice, i prbrzo se suši. Ako želite da naneste drugi sloj maskare moraćete da ga naneste brzo. Takodje je super za donje trepavice. 
Ako bolite velike trepavice pune volumena predlažem vam da odete do lokalne Sephore i kupite ovu maskaru. Koristim je od jula i obožavam je.

Thats all for this post cuties I hope you enjoyed.
Leave a comment and tell me do you like too faced? Also tell me your favorite Too faced product?
Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated.
Also follow me on instagram, and like my facebook page.

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