The Original beauty blender review


Hey cuties! Welcome back to my blog. How are you today? In today's post I'm going to do review of the original beauty blender. If you follow me on instagram you know that I love AURAS beauty sponge, but I decided to try the original beauty blender. 

Ćao slatkiši dobrodošli nazad na moj blog. Kako ste danas? U današnjem postu cu uraditi recenziju originalnog beauty blendera. Ako me pratite na instagramu znate da volim AURIN beauty sundjer, ali sam odlučila da probam originalni beauty blender 

It comes in plastic packaging with small how to use it guide. All you have to do is get wet under running water for 10 15 second, and dry it with towel, and you are ready to use it. I bought mine in Sephora ,and I paid 2230 rsd. I love applying my foundation with beauty blender my face looks so flawless. I also use it for concealer under my eyes it s amazing. I used it for two weeks now, and I can say I really really love it. It is great because it doesn't tear like my other beauty sponges. I don t know what I did wrong, but they tear a bit, and it's annoying. Only thing that annoys me a bit also its a bit hard to clean it I use dove soap to clean it, but it takes me up to 20 min to fully clean it. Lucky my beauty blender don't tear at all, and it's easier to clean I need around 10 min to clean it.

Dolazi u plastičnom pakovanju sa malilm kako koristiti upustvom. Sve sto treba da učinite je da ga pokvasite ispod malza vode 10 do 15 sekundi i posle ga osuśite peškirom i spremni ste da ga koristite. Ja sam moj kupila u Sephori i platila sam 2230 dinara. Volim da nansom tečni puder beauty blenderom zato što lice uvek izgleda bez mane. Takodje ga koristim za korektor ispod očiju i savršen je. Koristila sam ga dve nedelje i mogu reći da ga stvarno volim. Sjajan je zato što se ne cepa kao moji ostali beauty sundjeri. Ne znam šta sam uradila pogrešno, ali se uvek malo pocepaju i to me nervira takodje se teško čiste.
Ja koristim dove sapun da ih očistim i treba mi oko 20 min da ih poptpuno očistim.
Srećom moj beauty blender se ncepa i lakše se čisti. Treba mi oko 10 min dag ga očistim.

I store my beauty blender, and my other beauty sponges into my clear acrylic box. I think that is the best way to store them when you don t use them, and I always always clean my boxes with antibacterial wipe before I store them. When I am traveling I put them back into their original packaging.

Moj beauty blender i moje beauty sundjere čuvam u providnoj kutiji. Mislim da je to najbolji način da ih čuvate kada ih ne koristite i uvek očistim kutiju antibaketrijskim maramicama pre nego što ih ostavim. Kada putujem vratim ih u originalno pakovanje.

That's all for this post cuties! I hope you enjoyed leave a  comment, and tell me have you tried the original beauty blender?

Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect, and like my fb page , and follow me on ig.

To je sve za ovaj post slatkiši! Nadam se da ste uživali ostavite komentari recite da li ste probali the original beauty blender?

Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite moj blog preko google friend connecta, i da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i pratite me na ig.

Alexis :*

Song of the day: Pia Mia Do it again 

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