Too Faced Natural matter palette review and swatches


Hey cuties! How are you today? In today's post I am going to do review of Too Faced Natural matte palette. I bought this palette in Sephora when I was in Belgrade . I really wanted to try some of Too faced palette. I always read positive reviews about their palettes. I decided for this one instead of chocolate bar, because this one has more shades that I like. I mean I like chocolate bar too, but this one is matte so that was the reason why I bought  this palette instead of the chocolate bar.

Ćao slatkiši! Kako ste danas? U danšnjem postu ću uraditi recenziju Too Faced Natural matte palete. Ovu plaetu sam kupila u Sephori kada sam bila u Beogradu. Stavrno sam želela da probam Too Faced paletu. Uvek sam čitala pozitivne recenzijw u vezi njihovih paleta. Odlučila sam se za ovu umesto chocolate bara zato što ova ima više nijansi koje mi se dopadaju. Volim i chocolate bar, ali ovaj je mat i to je bio razlog zašto sam kupila ovu umesto chocolate bara.

Packaging of this palette is so amazing. All too faced packaging are amazing. in this palate you get nine matte shades. And also you get little book that can help you with creating some looks.

Pakovanje ove palete je fantastično. Sva too faced pakovanja su fantastična. U ovoj paleti dobijate devet mat senki. I takodje dobijate malu knjižicu koja može da vam pomgne u šminkanju.

This palette is really good for beginners. Its  easy to do smokey eye look ,because you have all the shadows that you need and also you can play and mix different shadows. Its really great for traveling, and for someone who like natural look like me. Price of this palette os 4920 rsd, and it's worth. Pigmentation of the shadows is really good, and they blend perfectly. They have 3 look DAY, CLASSIC, FASHION, but you can totally mix and match how you like.

Ova paleta je stvarno dobra za početnike. Lako možete da uradite smokey eye zato što imate sve senke koje su vam potrebne takodje możete da se igrate i miksujete različite senke. Stvarno je dobra za putovanja, i za nekoga ko voli prirodni izgled kao ja. Cena ove palete je 4920 dinara i vredi. Pigmentacija ovih senki je stvarno dobra, i savršeno se blenduju. Ima 3 izgleda DAY, CLASSIC, FASHION, ali možete da miksujete i spajate kako god želite. 





Day is definitely for day time look really soft and bright. My favorite shade is cashmere bunny.
Classic is great for work, college etc... It has warmer shades, but it s not too bright or too dark its perfect.
Fashion can be for day for work college, school, going out... This my favorite sahdes ,but I am using teddy for my brow highlight from classic look. 

Day je definitivno za dnevnik izgled izgleda eoma nežno i svetlo. Moja omiljena nijansa je cashemere bunny.
Classic je takodje odličan za dnevni izgled, posao, fakultet itd... Ima toplijih nijansi, ali nisu previše svetle ili tamne.
Fashion može biti za dnevni izgled, posao, fakultet, izlazak. Ovo je moj omiljene nijanse, ali ja koristim Teddy za moj highlight obrve iz classic looka.

Thats all for this post cuties! i hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment, and tell me your favorite look from this palette?
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Also like my facebook page, and follow me on instagram.

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Song of the day: Britney Spears Unusual you.

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