November Favourites Too Faced, CHANEL, MAC, CK, Victoria's Secret


Hey cuties! Welcome back to my blog. How are you today? In today's post I am going to talk about what I ve been loving for the past month of November. I cant believe that December is here I am so excited holidays are coming. Now let's start.

Ćao slatkiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog. Kako ste danas? U danšnjem postu ću pričati ( odnosno pisati) šta sam volela proteklog meseca Novembra. Ne mou da verujem da je Decembar ovde veoma sam uzbudjena pošto nam dolaze praznici. Pa počnimo.

Let's start with makeup.
Počnimo sa šminkom. 

Blush that I used the most in November was Mac blush in shade stay pretty. I love it because it's light pink, and gives you that nice natural look, and it's really blendable. I bought it when I was in Paris, and I paid around 23 euros. 

Rumenilo koje sam koristila u Novembru je Macovo rumenilo u nijansi stay pretty. 
Volim ga zato što je svetla pink nijansa koja daje prirodni izgled i lako se blenduje. Kupila sam ga kada sam bila u Parizu i platila sam oko 23 eura.

Next, products that I used is Too Faced natural matte palette. I love love this palette. I am big fan of natural look. If you are fan of matte eyeshadows you will love this palette. I have full review of this palette so you can check it out. Shades that I used the most are nudie, risque, strapless.

Sledeći proizovod koji sam koristila je Too Faced natural matte paleta.  Ja sam veliki fan prirodnog izgleda. Ako ste fan mat senski volećete ovu paletu. Imam recenziju ove palete tako da pogledajte. Nijanse koje sam najviše koristila su nudie, risque, strapless.

Powder that I used the most was CHANEL compact powder. This powder sets my foundation perfectly, and my skin loves it. Usually I turn into baby pizza at some point, but not with this powder. I am in shade 50 pêche. It's a bit expensive to be honest, but it s worth.

Puder koji sam najviše koristila je bio CHANEL kompakt puder. Ovaj puder setuje moju podlogu savršeno i moja koža ga voli. Uglavnom se pretvorim u picu u nekom trenutku, ali ne sa ovim puderom. Moja nijansa je 50 pêche. Iskreno malo je skup, ali vredi.

Foundation that I used its Calvin Klein foundation. I bought this at the airport when I was going home. My mom had this foundation, and she loves it. My shade is 300 sand it looks really dark, but actually it's not that much, and I mix it with bb cream. I am going to do full review for this foundation so stay tuned.

Podlogu koja sam koristila je Calvin Klein podloga. Kupila sam je na aerodromu kada sam dolazila kući. Moja mama je imala ovu podlogu i obožava je. Moja nijansa je 300 sand koja izgleda tamno, ali zapravo nije previše ja ga mešam sa bb kremom. Uradiću celu recenziju za ovu podlogu tako ostanite u toku.

 Last  product that I used is from NYX contour & highlight palette. I love this banana powder to set my under eye concealer, and to highlight my under eye. I love this palette  I've been using it for while it's great, and definitely worth if you like to contour ,and highlight get this palette. 

Poslednji proizvod koji sam koristila je iz NYX contour & highligh palete. Volim njihov banana powder da setujem korketor i highlightujem ispod oka.
Volim ovu paletu koristim je dugo super je i definitivno vredi pogotvo ako volite contour i highlight obavezno je kupite.

I have three more products perfume, body lotion, and beauty blender. I'll start with beauty blender. I have to apologize for my beauty blender it's little bit dirty I used it today. I love it for my foundation, concealer everything. I already did review for beauty blender so go, and check t out. Next is my all time favourite perfume CHANEL No 5 eau premiere. I know that lots of you dont like this perfume, but believe me this is the most amazing perfume that I own. Its not like classic CHANEL No 5 really strong m and overpowering this one is softer version of No 5, but still has that No 5 note that I love. Sad thing is I am almost out of it I spray this like crazy. When I go to college, when I go grocery shopping before I go to bed. Before you say you don't like it go to your local Sephora or parfumerie that has No 5 premiere spray it leave it smell it after 10 min, and believe me you will want a bottle. Last product its lotion by Victoria's secret. I bought it at Victoria's secret at the airport, and I totally forgot about it. I only used this, because  November was really sressful for me, and my skin don't like stress my skin went to dry to completely oily. Now it's  normal finally, and this lotion hydrates, and smells amazing.

Imam još tri proizovda parfem, losion i beauty blender. Poćeću sa beauty blenderom. Moram da se izvinim zato što je moj beauty blender prljav koristila sam ga danas. Volim ga za podlogu, korektor. Već sam odradila recenziju za beauty blender 
definitivno pogledajte post. Sledeći proizovd je moj najomiljeniji parfem svih vremena CHANEL No5 eau premier. Znam da većina vas ne oli ovaj parfem, ali verujte mi ovo ja najblji parfem koji imam. Nije kao klasičan CHANEL No5  koji je jak i nadmoćan ovaj je nežnija verzija No5, ali ima tu No5 notu koju volim. Tužna stvar je skoro pa je potrošen zato što ga non stop prskam. Kada idem na fakultet, kada idem po namernice, pre nego što odem u krevet. Pre nego što kažete da ga ne volite idite u vašu lokalnu Sephoru ili parfimeriju koja koja ima No5 premier prsnite napustite radnju pomirišite posle 10 minuta, i verujte mi želećete bočicu. Zadnji proizovd je losion od Victorie secret. Kupila sam ga u Viktoriji sikret na aerodromu i totalno sam zaboravila na njega. Samo sam njega koristila zato što je Novembar bio veoma strsan za mene i moja koža ne voli stres i prešla je iz suve u poptpuno masnu. Sada je normalna napokon ovaj losion hidrira i miriše savršeno.

That's all for this post cuties! I hope you enjoyed leave a comment, and tell me your favourite for the month of November. Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and also don't forget to like my fb page, and follow me on ig.

To je sve za ovaj post slatkiši! Nadam se da ste uživali ostavite komentar i recite me vaše favorite za mesec Novembar. Takodje pratite moj blog preko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku, i takodje lajkujte moju fb stranicu i pratite me na instagramu.



Song of the day: Ariana Grande Santa tell me. 

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