Mini Haul Marc Jacobs, Lancaster, Makeup forever, Rimmel, Bourjois, Astor


Hey cuties! Welcome back to my blog. I hope you're all doing well. If you're here for the first time I wish you a very very warm welcome. In today's post I'm going to show you some stuff that I recently got, I hope you care gonna like this post. 

Ćao slatkiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog. Nadam se da ste svi dobro. Ako ste po prvi put na mom blog, želim vam najtopliju dobrodošlicu. Danas ću vam pokazati proizvode koje sam nedavno dobila, tako da se nadam da će vam se ovaj post dopasti.

First let's start off with the obvious which is my new perfume. I was so excited when I saw that I got this perfume I wanted it for a very long time and this perfume is by Marc Jacobs. The bottle is the seller for this perfume it's absolutely gorgeous looks like a small bag, and has some vintage vibe that I love. When it comes to smell I have to be honest and say that I wasn't big fan when I smelled it for the first time. It's smelled wired and it was to heavy for warm weather. After I used it a few times I feel in love with it, and now I'm using it every single day. Note that this perfume is strong so you don't need to shower in it. Two spray would be enough. 

Prvo, ćemo krenuti od novog parfema. Bila sam jako uzbudjena zbog obog parfemai želela sam jako dugo da ga probam, u pitanju je Decadence od Marc Jacobsa. Najviše mi se dopala bočica na ovom parfemu jako lepa i izgleda kao mala torbica i ima vintage vajb što mi se jako dopada. Kada je u pitanju miris moram priznati da na početku uopšte nisam bila fan ovog mirisa čak sam razmišljala i da prodam ovaj parfem. Posle malo dužeg korišćenja miris je krenuo da mi se dopada i koristim ga na dnevnoj bazi. Mada nikako ne treba preterivati sa ovim parfem pošto je veoma jak, pogotvo ga ne treba previše koristiti kada je napolju pretoplo. 

Let's move on to lipsticks. I got a few. One from makeup forever, one from Astor, one from rimmel and two from bourjois. Most of them are red shades. I tried make up forever lipstick and pigmentation is amazing. It's my first time using astor cosmetics brand. To be honest I never heard about them before. I also tried their lipstick. It's pigmented also, but it's more on hydrating side, which I loved since my lips are always dry. 

Sada da predjemo na ruževe. Jedan ruž od brenda make up forever, jedan je od brenda Astor, jedan je od rimella i dva su od bourjois. Ja sma probala make up forever ruž i zaista sam se oduševila pigmentacijom. Po prvi put sam se susrela sa brendom astor. Nikada pre nisam čula za njihovu kozmetiku. Probala sam i njihov ruž koji je takodje pigmentovan, ali je hidrirajući ruž, što mi se jako dopada pogotovo što su mi usne jako suve. 

Next, products are mascaras from makeup forever. It's my first time using their mascaras. I'm amazing by both. They make your eyelashes really long and amazing. I must say I prefer smoky stretch cause it's makes your eyelashes really really long. 

Sledeći, proizvodi su maskare od brenda make up forever. Ovo mi je prvi put da koristim njihove maskare i jako su me obe oduševile. Učiniće da vam trepavice izgledaju dugo, a pritom ih neće slepiti. Meni se više dopala smoky strech pošto predivno izdužuje trepavice.

Last, product is blush by Lancaster one of my fav brands. I didn't try it cause it's not my shade. It's too dark, and I'm extremely pale. I'll probably give it to friend.

Zadnji, proizvod je rumenilo od brenda Lancaster. Moram priznati da ga nisam isprobala pošto je i suviše tamno za moj ten. Verovatno ću ga proslediti drugrici da ga isproba.

That's all for this post cuties. I hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment, and tell me did you try any of these products? 

To je sve za ovaj post slaktkiši. Nadam se da vam se dopao posto. Ostavite komentar i recite mi da li ste probali ove proizvode?

Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 

Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.

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