Christmas & New year wishlist Beauty & Fashion


Hey cuties! Welcome back to my blog. How are you today? Today's post is going to be my wish list. I didn't do this for a while, and I wanted to share what I would like to get for Christmas, and new year. So let's see what I would like to get.

Ćao sltakiśi! Dobro došli nazad na moj blog. Kako ste danas? Dansšnji post će biti moja lista želja. Nisam skoro uradila ovaj post, i želela sam da podelim sa vama šta bih volela da dobijem za Božić i Novu godinu. Pa da vidimo šta bih želela da dobijem.

Let's start with beauty product, and makeup.
Pa počnimo sa bjuti proizovidima, i šminkom.

First, I would like to get Le Grand Palais, and Le grand Chateau by Too Faced. When I saw this at Dulce Candy channel I was like I need to get this, and finally it arrived at Sephora so I'll probably buy it from me to me.

Prva, stvar koju bih želela da dobijem je Le Grand Palais, i Le Grand Chateau od Too Faced-a. Kada sam videla na Dulce Candy kanalu bila sam u fazonu ja moram da ih imam, i napokon je stiglo u Sephori tako da ću verovatno kupiti meni od mene.

Next, two products that I would like to get from MAC are lipsticks ofc. Two shades that I would like to get are Diva, and Creme cup. Diva is darker shade perfect for winter, and Creme cup is ofc pink shade.

Sledeća dva proizovda koje bih volela da dobijem su iz MACA su ruževi naravno. Dve nijanse koje bih volela da dobijem su Diva, i Creme cup. Diva je tamnija nijansa savršena za zimu, Creme cup je naravno pink nijansa.

Next, product is my beloved Coco Noir perfume, and I know that I am going to get this because my nana accidentally sent me message that she bought Coco Noir. I know that its for me, because I am only one in my Family that likes Coco Noir. Plus it goes perfect with my soul.

Sledeći, proizovd je moj voljeni Coco Noir parfem, i znam da ću ga dobiti zato što mi je nana slučajno poslala poruku da je kupila Coco Noir. Znam da je za mene, zato što samo ja u porodici volim Coco Noir. Plus savršeno ide uz moju dušu.

Let's move on to fashion.
 Da predjemo na modu.

 Items that I would like to get are  from Pull & Bear. I saw at their website gorgeous ankle boots, and I am not really like crazy boots fan but I fell in love with them. Also I saw one bag that I would like to get look a bit like Alexander Wang, and its really affordable, also I would like to get set of rings. 

Stvari koje bih želela da dobijem su iz Pull & Beara. Na njihovim sajtu sam videla prele čizme, i nisam neki veliki fan, ali sam se zaljubila u njih. Takodje sam videla torbu koja podseća na Alexander Wang, i veoma je pristupačna cena, takodje bih volela da dobijem set prstenja.

Also I have a list of items from H&M that I would like to get,and that list includes  footwear, cardigan ofc, jeans, cap...

Takodje imam i listu stvari iz H&M koje bih volela da dobijem, i ta lista uključuje obuću, kardigan naravno, farmerke, kapu...

What I would like the most is to watch Christmas movie with Nyle DiMarco. ( In your dreams Alexis in your dreams.) 

Šta bih najviše želela je da gledam Božićne filove sa Nyle DiMarcom. ( U snovima Alexis u snovima.)

Look at that gorgeous smile *_* 
Vidite taj divan osmeh *_* 

I hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment, and tell me syour wishlist?
Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
Also don't forget to like my fb page, and follow me instagram so we can chat!

Nadam se da ste uživali. Ostavite komentar i recite mi vašu listu želja?
Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite blog prko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku i budite deo porodice slatkiša,
Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 


Song of the day: Ariana Grande Santa tell me. 

Photo credit.
Too Faced facebook page

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