My favourite highlighters MAC, AURA, Essence


Hey cuties! Welcome back to my blog. How are you today? In todays post I am going to show you some of my favourite highlighters that I use on daily bases, and that I love the most. Let's start.

Ćao slatkiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog. Kako ste danas? U današnjem postu ću vam pokazati moje omiljene highlitere koje koristim svakodnevno, i koje najviše volim. Pa počnimo.

 First, and my all time favourite highlighter is Soft & Gentle by MAC. This is the most perfect highlighter that I found so far. Shade of this highlighter is peachy bronze, perfect if you have pink skin tone. Its a bit expensive, but its worth, and I am sure that you will love it. Also there are four more shade that you can choose.

Prvi, i moj najomiljeniji highlighter je Soft & Gentle od MACA. Ovo je najsavršeniji highlighter koji sam pronašla za sad. Nijansa ovog highlightera je peachy bronze (bronzana nijansa breskve) savršena ako imaate pink ten. Malo je skup, ali je vredan, i sigurna sam da će vam se dopasti. Takodje ima jos četiri nijanse koje možwtw izabrati.

 Next, highlighter is by AURA. This highlighter is perfect replacement for Soft & Gentle. Shade of this highlighter is peachy pink shade, and its called Nude shimmer. The best thing about this highlighter its very pigmented. Price of this highlighters is around 500 rsd ,which is very affordable for such great product, and there is one more shade called Golden spice. Shade of golden spice is  bronzy gold.

Sledeći, highiliter je od AURE. Ovaj highliter je savršena zamena za Soft & Gentle. Nijansa ovog highlitera je breskvasta pink nijansa, i zove se Nude Shimmer. Najbolja stvar u vezi ovog highlitera je da je jako pigmentovan. Cena ovog highlitera je 500 rsd, što je veoma pristupačno za tako dobar proizvod, i ima još jedna nijansa koja se zove Golden spice. Nijansa golden spicea je bronzano zlatna. 

 Next, shade is also from MAC, It's called Oh darling, and it's from Magic of the night collection. To be honest I wore this highlighter only a few times, but I really love it. Especially when I have really bronzy eyeshadow look, and I want to add bit gold, and sparkle. This is gold shade highlighter, only thing that I don't like is that it is not pigmented as Soft & Gentle.

Sledeća, nijansa je takodje iz MACA, i zove se Oh Darling, iz Magic of the night kolekcije. 
Da bude iskrena nosila sam ovaj highlighter samo nekoliko puta, ali mi se stvarno dopada. Posebno kada imam bronzanu senku, i kada želim da dodam malo zlata i sjaja. Nijansa ovog highlitera je zlatna, jedina stvar koja mi se ne dopada je ta što nije pigmentovan kao Soft & Gentle. 

Last, two highlighters are by essence. One is my favourite from Cinderella collection called The glass slipper. That is my first  highlighter that I bought, and I wore it for a while. I need to remember my self to wear it more often. Shade is very light with lavender tone. It's very shimmery, and pigmentation is perfect. This was limited edition highlighter, and I am so happy that I bought it.

Last highlighter is cream to powder highlighter. I have love hate relationship with this product. It s called look on the bright side. Biggest problem I have it's with application. Creamy texture of this highlighter makes brushes sticky, and it's hard to wash. Looks really amazing when you apply.

Zadnja, dava highlitera su od essenca. Jedan je moj favorit iz Pepeljuga kolekcija koji se zove The glass slipper. To je moj prvi highliter koji sam kupila, i nosila neko vreme. Trebam da se setim da ga nosim češće. Nijansa je svetla nijansa lavande. Veoma je sedefast i pigmentacija je savršena. Ovo je bio limitirani proizovod, i veoma sam srećna što sam ga kupila.

Zadnji  highliter je cream to powder highliter od essenca. Imam  love hate vezu sa ovim. Zove se look on the bright side. Najvecći problem imam sa aplikacijom. Kremasta tekstura ovog highlitera lepi cetkicu, i teško se pere. Izgleda stvarno savršeno kada se nanese.


That's all for this post cuties! I hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment, and tell me your favourite highlighter?
Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
Also don't forget to like my fb page, and follow me instagram so we can chat!

To je sve za ovaj post slatkisši! Nadam se da ste uživali. Ostavite komentar i recite koji je vaš omiljeni highliter ? 
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Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 

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