My current MAC lipstick collection


Hey cuties! Welcome back to my blog, How are you today? In today's post I am going to show you my current MAC lipstick collection. I recently started collecting MAC lipstick, and I see why everyone is loving them so much. They are highly pigmented they are a lot of shade to choose from pink to nude to dark shades, packaging is very nice. The best thing about MAC is when you use 5 products,  you take  back packaging to mac you get free lipstick, and that is so amazing I mean who who doesn't want a free lipstick?  So let's start

Ćao slatkiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog. Kako ste danas? U danšnjem post ću vam pokazati moju trnenutnu kolekciju MAC ruževa. Nedavno sam počela da prikupljam MAC ruževe, i vidim zašto ih svi vole. Veoma su pigmentovati ima dosta nijansi koje možete izabrati od pink do nude do tamnijih nijansi, pakovanje je veoma lepo. Najbolja stvar u vezi MACA je kada potrošite 5 proizovoda  vratite pakovanje U MAC i dobijete besplatan ruž i to je savršeno mislim ko ne voli besplatan ruž? Pa počnimo.

First, shade that I am going to show you is Angel. If you follow me on facebook, and instagram you know that Angel is my favourite shade. This shade is  pinky nude shade it's perfect for natural look when you dont want to add too much colour on your lips. It's not matte it's frost lipstick so it's creamy, and your lips will look very moisturize.

Prva nijansa koju ću vam pokazati je Angel. Ako me pratite na facebuku, i instagramu znate da je Angel moja omiljena nijansa. Ova nijansa je pinky nude savršena je za prirodan izgled kada ne želite previše boje na usnama. Nije mat već frost ruž tako da je kremast i vaše usne će izgledati hidrirano.

Next, lipstick is my all time favourite matte shade I think you can guess which shade it is. If you said  Please me you are right. It's my favourite pink shade. its  more pink than Angel because it has rose tone to it. Very nice shade I wear it when I want to make my lips pop up more. I bought this shade from Magic of the night collection, because I loved the metallic packaging. Also your lips don't look dry when you wear it, because  most of the matte lipstick can make your lips look to dry not the case with this lipstick.

Sledeća nijansa ruža je moja omiljena mat nijansa mislim da možete da pogodite koja nijansa je u pitanju. Ako ste rekli Please me upravu ste. To je moja omiljena pink nijansa. Više je pink nego Angel zato što ima ružin ton. Veoma lepa nijansa nosim je kada želim da istaknem usne.  Ovu nijansu sam kupila iz Magic of the night kolekcija zato što mi se jako dopalo metalik pakovanje.  Takodje usne ne izgledaju suvo kada ga nosite zato što većina mat ruževa učini da usne izgledaju suvo, ali to nije slučaj sa ovim ružom.

Next, shade is Myth. I bought it in Paris, and actually that was my first ever MAC lipstick. This is nude shade with pink tone it s a bit lighter for my taste. This is really one of those shades that you wear when you really really want your lips to pop up. I would wear this with winged eyeliner with false lashes not to strong contour with pink blush. This lipstick is satin so you don't need lip balm before you apply it.

Sledeća, nijansa je Myth. Kupila sam je u Parizu, i zapravo je ta nijansa bila moj prvi MAC ruž. Ovo je nude nijansa sa pink tonom malo svetlija za moj ukus.
Ovo je jedna od onih nijasni koju nosite kada stvarno stvarno želite da istaknete usne. Ja bih nosila sa jednostavnim sa ajlajnerom, trepavicama ne prejakom konturom i roze rumenilom. Ovaj ruž je satin tako da vam ne treba labelo pre nego što ga nanesete.

Last, shade is one of my favourites also from Magic of the night collection. It's called evening rendezvous. Purple shade with red tone really an amazing shade. Perfect for fall, and winter. If you follow my blog you know that I originally wanted to buy Rebel. I still want, but this shade is great replacement. I am gonna wear it more during winter, because it s darker shade if you want you can also wear it all year around.. I would wear this lipstick  with warm eyeshadow, and big lashes. With darker contour, really light blush bit of highlight
Poslednja nijansa je jedna od mojih favorita takodje iz Magic of the night kolekcije. Zove se evening rendezvous. Ljubičasta nijansa sa crvenim tonom stvarno neverovatna nijansa. Savršena za jeseenje i zimske. Ako pratite moj blog znate da sam zapravo htela da kupim Rebel. Još uvek želim, ali ova nijansa je super zamena.  Nosi ću je tokom zime , zato što je tamna nijansa ako želite možete je nositi tokom cele godine. Ovaj ruž bih nosila sa toplim senkama, i velikim trepavicama. Sa tamnijom konturom veoma svetlim rumenilom i sa malo hajlajtera.


That's all for this post cuties! I hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment, and tell me your favourite MAC lipstick?
Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
Also don't forget to like my fb page, and follow me instagram so we can chat!

To je sve za ovaj post slatkisši! Nadam se da ste uživali. Ostavite komentar i recite mi vaš omiljeni MAC ruž? 
Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite blog prko googlr friend connecta da ostanete u toku i budite deo porodice slatkiša,
Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 

Song of the day: Adele Hello 

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