Vichy Neogenic shampoo review


Hi cuties! Welcome back to my blog. How are you today? In todays post I am going to review of Vichy Neogenic shampoo. Don’t forget to enter in my CHANEL giveaway!
 So let's start.

Ćao slatiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog. Kako ste danas? U današnjem postu ću odraditi recenziju Vichy Neogenic šampona. Ne zaboravite da učestvujete u mom CHANEL darivanju.Pa počnimo.

Story behind this shampoo is that it helps your hair to grow faster, stops hair from falling out, also it helps hair to get thicker, and to have more volume. I bought it on my hairdresser recommendation. To be honest I don't have problem with hair falling out, but I want to hair thicker hair, because my hair is somewhere between thin, and normal its more in the middle not too thick not too thin golden middle. So my hairdresser said that this shampoo is going to help my hair to get thicker. You can find it in Lilly, and price is around 1500 rsd, I bought my online , because my local Lilly didn't have it. You get 200 ml of shampoo, and there is also bigger packaging of 400 ml.

Priča iza ovog šampona jeste da pomaže kosi da brže raste, zaustavlja opadanje, takodje pomaže kosi da postane gušća i dajem volumen. Kupila sam ga po preporuci frizera. Da budem iskrena nemam problema sa opadanjem kose , ali želim da imam gušću kosu, zato što je moja kosa negde izmedju tanke i normalne, više je u sredini ni previše gusta ni previše tanka zlatna sredina. Tako da je moj frizer rekao da će ovaj šampon pomoći mojoj kosi da postane gušća. Možete ga naći u Lillyu, i cena je oko 1500 dinara. Ja sam kupila online zato što moj lokalni Lilly nije imao. Dobijate 200ml šampona, i ima veće pakovanje od 400 ml.

Packaging is very nice purple, and white, two of my favourite colours. What I like the most is smell. It has that medicinal smell that I like. I used it for two months, and I am still using it, and I am very satisfied. I definitely noticed that my hair got thicker not like crazy thick, but its thicker than it was before. Considering that my hair is not falling out,  I noticed when I brush my hair there is not hair left on it. I definitely noticed that my hair has volume, but it's not crazy volume like when you have blow out. I love that, because every single shampoo that I tried before they made my hair look oily and we don't want that.

Pakovanje je veoma lepo ljubičasto i belo dve od mojih omiljenih boja. Šta mi se najviše dopada jeste miris. Ima medicinski miris koji volim. Koristila sam ga dva meseca, i još uvek ga koristim, i veoma sam zadovoljna. Definitivno sam primetila da mi je kosa postala gušća ne previše gušća, ali gušća nego što je bila pre. Uzmimajući u obzir da moja kosa ne opada, primila sam da kada se češljem ne ostaje kosa na četki. Definitivno sam primetila da moja kosa ima volumen, ali ne previše kao kada se isfenirate. Dopada mi se to zato što su svi prethodni šamponi koje sam probala učinili da moja kosa izgleda masno, a to ne želimo.

One more thing about this shampoo is that it doesn't have paraben in it. Hair is definitely growing faster, my hair grew 4 cm for two months, and I noticed little baby hairs all over my head. Ofc hairfinity ,and hair oils are also credible for my hair growth, and I am going to doreview  hairfinity, and hair oils that I am using on my hair.

Još jedna stvar u vezi ovog šampona je da ne sadrži paraben. Kosa definitivno brže raste, moja kosa je je porasla 4 cm za dva meseca, i primetila sam malu bejbi kosu svuda po glavi. Naravno hairfinity, i ulja za kosu su takodje sazlužni za moj rast kose, i uradiću recenziju hairfinitya, u ulja koja koristim za kosu.

That's all for this post cuties! I hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment, and tell me did you try Vichy shampoos?
Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
Also don't forget to like my fb page, and follow me instagram so we can chat!

To je sve za ovaj post slatkisši! Nadam se da ste uživali. Ostavite komentar i recite mi da li ste probali neki od Vichy šampona? 
Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite blog prko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku i budite deo porodice slatkiša,
Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 

Song of the day: Foxes If you leave me now

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