Story time: Bitch resting face


Hi cuties! Welcome back to my blog. How are you today? Today's post is going to be a little be different than others, because today I am going to write story time post. Honestly I love to read, and watch story time posts, and videos. Unfortunately most of beauty bloggers don't do story time posts or videos. Gigi Gorgeous inspired me to write this post. It s not something special, but I want to share this story with you.
My story happened this summer in Paris, actually in Disneyland. If you went to Disneyland you probably know for Hollywood tower of terror ride. Honestly for me that is one of the best rides in Disneyland. Everything is done so pretty, and realistic even dust in the hotel was real p.s ( my friend had to touch it.) To make you understand what I am talking about I am gonna leave link so you can see story, and ride to better 

Ćao slatkiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog. Kako ste danas? Današnji post će biti malo drugačiji od ostalih, danas ću pisati storytime. Iskreno storytime postove i video snimke obožavam da gledam i čitmam. Na žalost većina beauty bloggera ne radi storytime postove ili video snimke. Gigi Gorgeous me je inspirisala da napišem ovaj post. Nije ništa previše specijalno, ali želim da podelim ovu priču sa vama.
Moja priča se dogodila ovog leta u Parizu , zapravo u Disneylandu. Ako ste bili u Disneyland sigurno znate za vožnju Hollywood tower of terror. Iskreno po meni to je jedna od najboljih vožnji u dinznilendu. Sve je lepo i relastično odradjeno čak i prašina u hotelu je prava p.s ( drugarica je morala da pipne). Da bi ste shvatili o čemu govorim ostavi ću vam link ge možete pogledati vožnju i priču iza vožnje da bi bolje shvatili o čemu se radi.

First, time while we waited in line, my friend and I noticed that one guy that works at the ride is looking at as. First, we were like why he would stare at as? Ride ended, it was amazing, we went to gift shop, and continue with our adventure. We decided to go for the second time, and the same guy just kept staring at us, now it was so obvious. This is when story begins to be interesting. Most people that meet me for the first time asks me am I okay? Am I sad? The thing is I always have my bitch resting face on with no emotions, even though I am happy inside, there is no emotions on my face. I decided to make eye contact, and while we were waiting guy came up to me, and said smile this is disneyland. We just looked at each other, and we were like haaaaaaaaaaaa? I responded ohhh I am happy this is just my bitch resting face, and he smiled , and left. It s still funny when I remember that day, it was one of my best days, that I am going to remember forever, not because of what happened in disneyland. I spent whole day eith my friend that I dont see that often. That is end of this story, that I wanted to share with you cuties. I have one more story with my other firend when she started crying over CHANEL box.

Prvog puta dok smo čekali u redu drugarica i ja smo primetili da jedan dečko koji je radio tamo je bukvalno gledao u nas. Prvo smo bili u faoznu zašto bi gledao? Vožnja se zvršila bilo je savršenstvo otišli smo u gift šop i natavili dalje. Odlučili smo da se vratimo po drugi put i isti dečko gleda u nas sada je već bilo očigledno. Ovde priča postaje malkice zanimljiva. Većina osoba koja me upozna pita me uvek da li sam ok? Zašto sam tužna? Stavr je u tome da uvek imam bitch resting face with no emotion, iako sam srećna iznutra na mom licu nema emocija. Odlučila sam da mu uzvratim eye contact i dok smo drugarica i ja čekale u redu on je krenuo ka nama prišao i rekao mi je  Nasmej se u diznilendu si.Drugarica i ja smo se pogledale u fazonu haaaaaaaa? Ja sam odgovorila ohhhh srećna sam ovo je samo moj bitch resting face na čemu se on nasmejao. I danas mi je smešno kada se setim tog dana iskreno bio je jedan od dana koji se pamte zauvek ne zbog toga što sam u diznilendu. Čitav dan provlela sa najboljom drugaricom koju ne vidjam često. I to je to slatkiši kratka pričica koju sam želela da podelim sa vama imam još jednu zanimljivu priču kada je moja druga drugarica plakala zbog CHANEL kutije.

I hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment, and tell me some of your stories.
Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
Also don't forget to like my fb page, and follow me instagram so we can chat!

Nadam se da ste uživali. Ostavite komentar i recite mi neku vašu priču.
Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite blog prko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku i budite deo porodice slatkiša,
Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 

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