Mini MAC lipstick haul & review \ Mini MAC noviteti i recenzija


Hey cuties! Welcome back to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. Todays post is going be mini ma lipstick haul. If you follow me on instagram, and on my fb you probably know that my beautiful mom bought me two mac lipsticks, and that I was over the top happy. Also few of you beautiful people  message me, and ask me to show what shades she bought me, so I decided o do mini mac haul, because you know that I love lipstick, and that mac is one of my favourite brands to shop, and so lets start! 

Ćao slatkiši! Dobro došli nazad na moj blog, nadam se da ste svi dobro! Današnji post će biti o mac ruževima. Ako me pratitie na instagramu i na facebooku verovatno znate da je moja predivna mama odlučila da me časti i kupila mi je dva mac ruža, i bila sam presrećna. Takodje nekoliko vas prelepih ljudi me je pitalo da pokažem nijanse koje sam dobila i na kraju sam odlučila da uradim post, pošto kao već znate mac mi je jedan od omiljenih high end brendova za kupovinu, pa poačnimo!

Shades that my mom bought me are called twig, and spirit. Well she got the shades right, but she missed season completely, because they shade are transitional shades for fall, I think these two shade are best for end of september beginning of october, but like I always say you can wear them when ever you want like I always do!

In this post, I am not going to bore you with price etc, because I already talked about that, and you all know that mac lipsticks are one of the best high end lipsticks. 

Nijanse koje mi je mama kupila se zovu twig i spirit. Iskreno pogodila je nijanse, ali je promašila sezonu kompletno iz razloga što su ove nijanse više za početak jeseni.Mislim da su najbolje za nošenje krajem septembra početkom oktobra, ali kao što uvek kažem možete ih nositi kada god poželite, kao što ja uvek radim!

U ovom postu neću pričati o ceni i itd.. O tome sam već pričala, a kao što sami znate mac ima  jedne od najboljih high end ružecva.

First, shade that we are talking about is spirit. First, I want to say that the name of this gorgeous shade is absolutely beautiful o this has one extra star from me. The shade is light brown, actually beige brown shade. If you want more intense brown you just add one more layer to your gorges lips, and thats it. Also I wan to mention both of this shades are satin, and I am big fan of satin finish, because of my dry lips.

Prva, nijansa o kojoj ćemo pričati se zove spirit. Prvo želim da naglasim koliko je prelepo ime ove nijanse, tako d aima jednu zvezdicu više od mene. Ovaj nijansa je svetla braon, zapravo braon bež nijansa. Ako želite intezivniju braon boju samo dodajte još jedan sloj na vašim prelepim usnama i to je to. Takodje želim da napomenem da su obe nijanse imaju satin finiš, čiji sam ja ogromni fan zbog mojih presuvih usana.

Next, shade s called twig. Which is cute, and funny shade for lipstick. This shade is brownish pink shade, that is more on the pink side, but in my eyes a bit more on pink side, which why this shade is one of my favourite, I am definitely going to take this two shades with me when I leave for my holiday, which is getting really really close, and I am getting more, and more excited every single day.

Sledeća nijansa je twig. Što je u isto vrme slatko i smešno ime za ruž. Ova nijansa je braonkasti roze nijansa, koja više vuče ka roze strani, i zbog toga je jedan od mojih favorita. Definitivno ću poneti ove dve nijanse sa sobom kada krenem na odmor koji se iz dana u dan sve više bliži, i uzbudjenje mi sve više i više raste!

Thats all for this post my beautiful cuties! I hope you enjoyed, leave a comment, and tell me your favourite mac lipstick shade?

Also don’t forget to enter my giveaway here. also a lot of you asked me is this giveaway international, and like always YES! If winner is international. I will sent you package, and pay for shipping of course! 

To je sve za ovaj post moji prelepi slatkiši! Nadam se da ste uživali, ostavite komenta i recite mi vašu omiljenu nijansu mac ruža.

Takodje ne zaboravite da učestvujete u mom darivanju možete se prijaviti ovde, kao i uvek darivanje je internacionalno. Poslaću paket i kao i uvek platiti poštarinu.

Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
Also don't forget to like my fb page, and follow me instagram so we can chat!

Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite blog prko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku i budite deo porodice slatkiša.
Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 


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  1. Prelijep poklon od majke :)
    Meni se nijanse na ruci svidaju, no na usnama ne, nisu bas previse pigmentirane koliko ja mogu primjetiti, a to mi malo smeta :/

    1. TO je vec zbog svetlosti na ruci mi je slikano iz drugacijeg ugla, dok su na usnama isplae previse svetlo imam negde ufou fotku gde se bolje vidi pigmentacija :)

  2. Love these colors!,


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