Jeffree Star Lip Ammunition review & swatches \ Jeffree Star Lip Ammunition recenzija


Hello cuties! Welcome back to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. On Todays menu we have a review of Jeffree Star’s Lip Ammunition lipsticks. I am so happy that I finally bought some Jeffree Star products, and after long time they finally arrived. So let’s staaaaaart! 

Helou slatkiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog, nadam se da ste svi dobro. Danas na meniju imam za vas recenziju Jeffree Star Lip Ammunition ruževa. Veoma sam srećna što sam napokon naručila Jeffree Star proizvozde i što su posle dugog čekanja napokon stigli. Pa počnimoooo! 

First, I want to say that I am huge fan of Jeffree Star. I follow him since 2009 he is a huge inspiration to me when it comes to makeup, and confidence. I always admire how Jeffree Star confident with all the hate, and bullying. I loved that he is not afraid to be him self. I was very happy when he announced his cosmetic line. If you are not fan of Jeffree Star or you don’t like Jeffree Star please move on. 

Prvo, želim da kažem da sam ja veliki Jeffree Star fan. Njega pratim od 2009 i on mi je velika inspiracija kada dodje do kozetike i samopouzdanja. Uvek sam se divila kako Jeffree Star ima samopouzdanja bez obzira na svu mržnju i nasilje. Svidja mi se zato što se ne plaši da bude ono što jeste. Bila sam veoma srećna kada je objavio da će imati svoj sopstveni brend. Ako niste fan Jeffreerija, ili vam se ne dopada njegov izgled, ponašanje molim vas nastavite, ili jednostavno nemojte čitati ovaj post. 

I ordered my lipsticks on September 30th, and that day was so perfect. I passed exam, it was my dad’s birthday, and off Jeffree Star Lip Ammunition came out that day. I was patiently waiting by my computer for them to come out. Minute when they came out, I ordered them. I ordered two lipsticks in my two fav shades. Lipstick that I ordered are called Celebrity skin, and Unicorn blood. One great thing about Jeffree is he didn't forget that he has fans all over the world. Jeffrey Star cosmetics ships worldwide, and that includes our lovely Serbia. Shipping is very affordable 10,95 which not bad at all for international shipping. After only 3 days my lipsticks were on their way to me. They arrived packed very well in a box. You receive them wrapped in Jeffree Star cosmetics paper with little Jeffree Star poster, but my friend liked that poster so much so I gave it to her. If you want to see that poster checkout my instagram. In exactly two weeks my lipsticks arrived, and I was very happy, but when I saw that I had to pay customs I was angry, not on Jeffree Star Cosmetics, but on Serbian customs. Package value was under 50 euros so I shouldn't pay customs, but anyway let’s get back to review. 

Lip Ammunition ruževe sam naručila 30-og Septembra i to je bio predivan dan. Položila sam ispit, tati je bio rodjendan i naravno Lip Ammunition ruževi su izašli tog dana. Smireno sam čekala kraj svog kompijutera da se pojave na sajtu. Istog minuta kada su se pojavili odmah sam ih naručila. Naručila sam dva ruža u dve omiljene nijanse. Ruževi koje sam naručila se zovu Celebrity skin i Unicorn Blood. Jedna od najboljih stvari u vezi Jeffereeija je to što nije zaboravio da ima fanove širom sveta. Jeffree Star cosmetics šalju svoje proizvode u celom svetu, a to uključuje i našu lepu Srbiju. Poštarina je veoma pristupačna za razliku od ostalih vebsajtova koji šalju za našu državu i imaju poštarinu tipa 50 dollara. Poštarina je 10,95 dollara što nije loše za internacionalnu poštarinu. Posle samo tri dana ruževi su poslati i bili su na putu za Srbiju. Stigli su veoma lepo zapakovani u kartonskoj kutiji. Dobijate ih zapakovane u Jeffree Star papir i uz to dobijate mini Jeffree Star poster, ali moj poster je zgrabila drugarica, ako želite da vidite kao izgleda posetite moj instagram profil. Pose tačno ve nedelje ruževi su stigli, i bila sam više nego uzbudjena, ali kada sam videla da ću morati da platim carinu raspoloženje mi se drastično smanjilo i sve to me je naljutilo. Naravno Jeffree Star cosmetics nema nikakve veze sa tim, već ima naša draga carina koja bi naplatila i carinu na porudžbinu od svega 2 dollara. Carina nija trebala da se naplatila zato što je vrednost paketa manja od 50 eura, ali nema veze vratimo se na recenziju.

When I opened them I almost started crying, that’s how happy I was. Like I said I ordered two shades Unicorn blood, and celebrity skin. They are so perfect that I didn't want to use them.When I just stared at them, and how perfect they are made. 

Kada sam otvorila paket, zamalo nisam krenula da plačem toliko sam bila srećna. Kao što sam već napomenula naručila sam dve nijanse Unicorn Blood i Celebrity Skin. Toliko izgledaju savršeno da me je bilo žao da ih koristim. Kada sam ih prvi put ugledala, samo sam ih gledala sa srećom u očima i divila se kako su lepo napravljeni.

First, let’s start with price. Price of these amazing lipsticks is 18 dollars which is on more affordable side. They came in cute pink boxes. They are shaped like pink bullets, and they have Jeffree Star Cosmetics logo on them, and metallic top that really really like. They are made of plastic, like most lipstick packaging. They feel high end like mac packaging, but they are a bit lighter which i like. Smells is amazing. I know lots of people said that they don't like smell of liquid lip, but the lipsticks smell really nice. They smell like bubble gum which is amazing, I mean who doesn't like the smell of bubble gum? You get 3,3 grams of product which is great, because with most of the lipstick that I have you get only 3. Pigmentation is pure 10! These lipsticks are crazy pigmented, they are even pigmented than some mac lipsticks that I have. With one swatch you get even colour, and that’s what all makeup lovers around the world want. Like Jeffree said they are not kiss proof, but they will not come of when you kiss, or drink your tea ,coffee, smoke etc. Like most lipsticks surviving eating is a challenged. I must these little guys held up pretty well, after I finished my lunch there was still lipstick on my lips, of course I added one layer and that was it. They last for 5 plus hours, depended of what you do. In my experience they last 5 hours which is more than great for lipstick, lets be real. Like all Jeffree Star Cosmetics products they are vegan and cruelty free which is amazing, and everyone can enjoy in Jeffree Star cosmetics products. Also all Lip Ammunition lipsticks are satin finish, which is great for people with dry lips like me. Another great thing is that they don't feel heavy on the lips, and its very easy to remove them which is  another big plus.

Prvo, ćemo krenuti sa cenom. Cena ovih ruževa je 18 dollara što je na pristupačnijoj strani. Ruževi su upakovani u slatke roze kutijice. Imaju oblik metka ( barem meni na to liče) i imaju Jeffree Star cosmetics logo na njima i imaju metalik vrh što mi se jako dopada. Pakovanje je napravljeno od plastike kao kod većine ruževa. Pakovanje je veoma high end kao na primer mac pakovanje, ali Jeffree Star pakovanje je lakše što mi se dopada. Miris ovih ruževa je apsolutno fantastičan. Znam da je većina rekla da im se ne dopada kako mirišu tečni Jeffree Star Cosmetics ruževi. Ovi ruževi mirišu na žvake. Iskreno ko ne voli miris žvake? Dobijate 3,3 grama proizvoda što je super, s obziom da kod većine ruževa dobijete 3 grama. Pigmentacija je čista 10! Ovi ruževi su starno ludo i predivno pigmentovani, čak su i više pigmentovani nego moji pojedini mac ruževi. U jednom nanošenju dobijete bogatu i ujednačenu boju preko celih usana, a to je ono što svi ljubitelji kozmetika širom sveta žele. Kao što je Jeffree napomenuo ovi ruževi nisu otporni na poljupce, ali neće nestati poptuno ako nekog poljubite ili pijete kafu, čaje, imate pauzu za cigaretu. Kao i za sve ruževe preživeti obrok je pravi izazov.  Moram priznati da su ovi slatki mali ruževi vrlo dobro opstali, posle mog ručka i dalje je bilo ruž na mojim usnama, naravno dodala sam još jedan sloj i to je bilo to. U mom iskustvu izdržali su 5 sati što je i više nego super za ruž budimo relani. Kao i svi Jeffree Star Cosmetics proizvodi i ovi proizvodi su Vegan i cruelty free. Takodje umalo da zaboravim Lip Ammunution ruževi imaju satin finiš što je super za osobe koje imaju suve usne kao ja. Još jedna super stvar je to da uopšte nisu teški na usnama, a takodje se ilako uklanjaju još jedan veliki plus. 

Now let’s move on too shades.

First,  will start with Celebrity Skin.

Celebrity skin is the most perfect nude shade that I ever saw. it’s light brown shade mixed with pink. I am very pale, and when I say pale I am porcelain, and it’s very hard to find right foundation. I like this shade I am going to wear it of course, but this shade will look the best on people with darker skin tone. If you want to get that Kim K nude lips this is he perfect lipstick for you.  Also this shade looks like Spirit from Mac. They are very similar, but Celebrity Skin is more pigmented.

Now let’s move on to Unicorn Blood.

Unicorn Blood is deep red shade, with hints of burgundy. The perfect fall shade. This shade with my pale skin, and some nice darker blush, and big black lashes looks great. I really love deep dark red shades, they look amazing, I also love to call this shade my perfect vampy red lipstick. Also this shade looks like another shade from mac that is called Diva. Diva is matte shade, and I didn't really like so I ended up selling it. I know that Unicorn Blood is just perfect.

Sada da prejemo na predivne nijanse.

Prvo, ću krenuti sa nijansom Celebrity skin.

Celebrity Skin je najsavršenija nude nijansa koju sam ikada videla. Ova nijansa je svetla braon pomešana sa malo pink nijanse. Ja imam veoma porcelanski ten tako da ova nijansa ne izgleda toliko lepo na ni koliko bi izgledala na na ljudima koji imaju malo tamniji ten, ali naravno da ću nositi ovu nijansu. Ako želite da imate nude usne kao Kim K ovaj ruž je savršen za vas. Takodje ova nijansa me podseća na spirit od maca. Veoma su slične, ali je Celebrity Skin pigmentovanija nijansa.

Sada ćemo preći na Unicorn Blood.

Unicorn Blood je duboko crvena nijansa, sa malo bordo tragova. Ovo je savršena jesena nijansa. Ova nijansa s mojom porcelanskom kožom, tamnijim rumenilom, i vlikim crnm trepacivama izgleda savršeno. Zaista sam veliki fan duboko crvenih nijansi, zato šo stvarno izledaju savršeno na svima.  Takodje volim da zovem ovu nijansu moj savršeni vampy crveni ruž. Takodje i ova nijansa me podseća na još jednu nijansu od maca koja se zoe Diva. Diva je matte nijansa koji mi se nije dopala iz razloga što mi je previše sušila usne. Znam da je Unicron Blood savršena.

Time for final thought. Would I recommend Jeffree Star Lip Ammunition?
You already know that the answer is YASSSSSSSSS! Not because I am fan of Jeffree Star its because his product are worth the money that you are going to spent.

Verme za finalno mišljenje. Da li bih preporučila Jeffree Star Lip Ammunition?

Već znate da je odgovor YASSSSSSSS! Ne zato što sam fan Jeffeerija već zato što njegovi proizvodi vrede novac koji ćete potrošiti.

That's all for this post slatkiši, I hope you enjoyed, leave a comment, and tell me did you try Jeffree Star Cosmetics products?

To je sve za ovaj post slatkiši, nadam ste da ste uživali, ostavite komentar i recite mi da li ste probali Jeffree Star Cosmetics proizvode?

Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
Also don't forget to like my fb page, and follow me instagram so we can chat!

Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite blog prko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku i budite deo porodice slatkiša.
Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 

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  1. Thanks for posting a review! Love the rich, deep colours!

  2. Oh već duže vrijeme slinim za celebrity skinom, divan je. Tješim se da mu je Nyx-ov Sandstorm dosta sličan. I Unicorn blood je prekrasna nijansa!

    1. Znam kako ti je meni je ovo bila impulsivna kupovina :D ali se ne zalim dopadaju mi se i boje i karmini jako

  3. Nisam ljubitelj boja koje si nam prikazala, ali moram reci da sam odusevljena postom bas zbog oblika i pakovanja ovih ruzeva. Odlicna recenzija, uz to jako dobre slike, sve u svemu jako zanimljiv post.


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