How can ginger help in hair care \ Kako djumbir može pomoći u nezi kose


Hello cuties! Welcome back to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. In todays post I am going to talk about ginger benefits, and hair care, and also I am going to give you recipe with ginger that is going to help your hair grow faster, and stop hair falling out. So I hope you gonna enjoy in this post xo.

Hello sltakiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog, nadam se da ste svi dobro. U današnjem postu ću pričati o korišćenju djumbira i njegovim beneficijama u nezi kose, takodje ću vam ostaviti jedam veoma lak recept koji će pomoći vašoj kosi da brže raste i takodje će pomoći ako imate problema sa opadanjem kose. Nadma se da ćete uživati u ovom postu xo. 

Now you must be wondering how does Ginger help in hair growth. Let me tell you some of its properties which boost the growth of hair naturally.

Mora da se pitate kako  Djumbir pomaže kosi da raste? Reći ću vam nekoliko osobina koje podstiču rast kose.

1. Fresh Ginger roots which contain magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and vitamins helps in making your hair stronger, healthier and shinier.

2. Not only Ginger roots make your hair healthier and stronger but it is also an effective remedy for hair loss as it strengthens the roots of your hair.

3. Dandruff is one of the most common scalp and hair problems which women suffer. Ginger tends to help in getting rid from dandruff problem. Best way to use is to apply ginger oil along with olive oil on your scalp and let it work overnight.

4. Ginger has some very useful constituents which help to fight dry hair. As it naturally makes your scalp healthier and stronger, it also tends to boost your hair growth.

5. Ginger contains some circulatory agents too. These help to increase the circulation and blood flow through scalp which improves the growth of hair follicles. And when hair follicles are wakened or increased, they automatically boost your hair growth

6. Ginger is also rich in fatty acids. It helps prevent the thinning of hair which leads to the reduction of hair loss.

So these were some of the best properties of Ginger which tends to help in growing your hair naturally.

1. Koren svežeg djumbira sadrži magnezijum, fosfor, kalijum i vitamine koji pomažu kosi da bude zdrava, jača i sjajnija.

2. Ne samo što Djumbir pomaže kosi da bude jača i zdrava takodje sprečava opadanje kose. 

3. Perut je jedan od najčešćih problema kože glave i kose. Ovaj problem trpe i žene i muškarci. DJjumbir teži da pomogne u borbi protiv peruti. Najbolji način da se primeni djumbir je zajedno sa maslinovim uljem. I to treba ostaviti da deluje preko noći.

4. Djumbir ima neke veoma korisne sastojke koji pomažu u borbi protiv suve kose. Jer prirodno čini vaš skalp zdravijim i jačim, takođe teži da poveća kao što smo već napomenuli  rast kose.

5. Djumbir sadrži i neke circulatory agents . Oni pomažu da se poveća cirkulacija i krvni protok kroz vlasište što poboljšava rast folikula. I kada se folikuli probude ili povećaju, oni automatski povećavaju rast kose.

6. Đumbir je takođe bogata masnim kiselinama. Ona pomaže u sprečavanju stanjivanja kose koji dovodi do smanjenja  i gubitka kose.

To su neke od najboljih osobina Djumbira koji teži da pomogne u rastu kose.

My recipe is super easy. All you need is few ginger roots, and glass of water. Peel ginger routes put them in blender add water. After that strain it, and apply ginger juice to your hair . You can keep it for a few hours or over night. The best thing is to first apply oil, and ginger juice after that. Result is shiny healthy and soft hair. 

Moj recept je super lak. Sve što vam je potrebno je par korena djumbira i časa vode. Oljuštite koren djumbira stavite u blender i dodajte vodu. Zatim procedite i nanesti sok djumbira na kosu. Možete ga zadržati preko noći ili nekoliko sati. Najbolje je pro naneti ulje i sok djumbira posle toga. Rezulta je mekana i sjajna kosa..

That’s all for this post I hope you enjoyed, leave a comment, and tell me do you use ginger in your hair care?

To je sve za ovaj post nadam se da ste uživali, ostavite komentar i recite mi da li ste koristili djumbir u nezi kose? 

Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
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Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite blog prko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku i budite deo porodice slatkiša.
Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 

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