Velvet Caviar glitter phone cases review


Hey, cuties! Welcome back to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. If you are on my blog for this first time I wish you very warm welcome. Today's post is going to be another review of amazing cases from a website called velvet caviar.  I decided to order more case because I really liked fur cases that I bought. This time I decided to try the more protective case to see how they work. 

Ćao slatkiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog nadam se da ste svi dobro. Aks ste na mom blogu po prvi put želim vam najtopliju dobrodošlicu. Današnji post će biti recenzija futrola za telefon sa vebsajta velvet caviar. Odlučila sam se da kupim još fotrolica, pošto krznene futrolice koje sam naručila su mi se jako dopale. Ovog puta sam se odlučila da probam futrole  koje su više zaštitne da vidim kako su se pokazale.

These cases are called glitter cases I believe and they are super fun to play with. Mine is called lush lips and price for one case is 24,99 dollars which are standard for most of the cases on their website. This cases come in two pieces one is bumper and another one is a hard shell. It’s easy to apply to your put bumper on your phone and you put the phone in a hard shell and that’s it. If you don’t like bulky cases that are gonna make your phone three times bigger you will like these they are very thin and they offer a lot of protection and the best part is there are more amazing cases on their website just like these. One of the amazing this is also they don’t scratch easily at all which is something that you want when you pay 25 dollars for a phone case. You know that I love the lumee case, but it started scratching after two months and it gets really dirty and I paid much more money for a lumee case. 

Now we are at the part about what I like and don’t like.

What I like:

Build quality, design, good to hold.

What I don’t like :

Nothing there is no negative to the side with this product. 

By now you probably now that I recommend this product and that this product gets 5 camellias. 

That’s all for this post cuties! I hope you enjoyed, leave a comment and tell me did you order something from velvet caviar’s website? 

Ove futrole se sove glider futrole i jako je zanimljivo igrati se sa njima. Moja se zove lush lips i cena jedne je 24.99 dolara što slobodno možemo reći 25 dolara što je standardna cena za većinu futrolice na njihovom vebsajtu. Ove futrole dolaze u dva dela jedan je zaštitni bumper a drugi je tvrda futrola. Veoma lako se stavlja na telefon stavite bumper na telefon pa  u tvrdi deo futrole. Ako ne volite maske koje prave da vam telefon bude tri puta veći ovakve futrole će vam se jako dopasti , pošto su jako tanke, a pritom pružaju dosta zaštite i naravno ima raznih dizajna na njihvom vebsajtu tako da svako može pronaći nešto što će mu se dopasti. Još jedna stvar je to što se ne grebu kao na primer lumee maska koja je počela da se grebe posle dva meseca, a to ne žeimo da se dogodi kada platimo 25 dolara.

Sada prelazimo na deo o tome šta mi se d’opale a šta nije.

Šta mi se dopalo:

Kvalitet, dizajn, super tanka.

Šta mi se nije dopalo:

Za ovaj proizvod nema negativnih strana.

Već znate da preporučujem ovaj proizvod i da ga ocenjujem sa 5 kamelija.

That's all for this post cuties. I hope you enjoyed, leave a comment and tell me did you ordered something from velvet caviar website?

To je sve za ovaj post slatkiši! Nadam se da ste uživali, ostavite komentar i recite mi da li ste ikada naručivali nešto sa velvet caviar vebsajta? 

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