October Favorites 2015 MAC, NYX, CHANEL, VICHY


Hey cuties! Welcome back to my blog. How are you today? Today's post is going to be October favorites. Like October was such busy month for me I was traveling a lot, and also a lot of my friends came to visit me so October went by storm for me. I don t have too many products just a few that I was using the most and that I absolutely love love love. So lets see what I've been loving past month.

First I want to begin with my favorite book of the month. Actually I have two, But book that I was waiting for is Zorannah's book. I literally got this book on 30th , and I read it for one night. Book is really interesting, and it's easy for read because they are a lot of pictures, and everything is cute and beautiful. Its not cheap quality this book is very high quality so the price is okay, because if you want to buy book like this in Paris you'll have to pay 20 plus euros. I paid for mine 959 sd on vulkan.rs. I ordered it online because I was unable to go to book fair so I ordered mine online. I was so happy when it arrived I almost started crying. I highly recommend you to get this book. Second book that I read in one day actually while I was traveling home was Seven year Later by Guillaume Musso. You know that Musso is one of my favorite writers, because he has specific writing that makes you wanna read even more. If you love love stories, adventure this is perfect book for you.

Now let's start with body care and perfumes. Favorite body cream, and perfume for the month October were CHANEL Coco Mademoiselle perfume, and body cream. I bought perfume in Belgrade, and I got perfume from my best friend. I already talked about this perfume in my favorite perfume post so check that out. And body cream is amazing I talked about CHANEL body creams they are amazing and last a long time. One tip if you have a date, and you want your perfume to make impression after shower moisturize with Coco mademoiselle body cream, and put mademoiselle perfume over, and everyone is going to turn heads, because you are going to smell like million dollars! And your date is going to be enchanted by your beauty, and also your perfume.

Next, I have Vichy NEOGENIC shampoo. If you have flat straight hair like me , and you want bit of volume believe me this is the best shampoo for you. Well it doesn't give you some crazy crazy volume it gives you that nice volume on top just the right amount, and plus that volumes stays until you wash your hair next time. Not just that this shampoo is also great if you want to grow your hair faster, and stop falling out. To be honest its a it on pricer side I paid 1473 rsd, but its worth believe me. I am going to do full review when I finish my first bottle. Also it has nice smell like medicinal smell that I really like.

For my face I've been using clean, and clear 2 in 1 face wash and face mask. This products is great for black head like one of the best, to be honest I use it more as a face mask. It leaves your face light clean, and tight I love that feeling.

Now let's move on to make up. I've been loving NYX's Matte finishing powder. I got it while I go but I totally forgot about it. I love this for setting under eyes concealer its perfect, and it also your skin is not going to turn into pizza after like 1h which is great. My skin is a bit dry now used to be oily then normal, not its more dry so I don t put too much of this product, because I don t wanna look like broken doll.

Favorite MAC products of this month were Angel by mac and Soft & Gentle. I pretty much wore Angel and soft & gentle every single day. Angel is nice pink nude shade its great for everyday, and soft & gentle is the most amazing amazing highlighter. I recently posted pic on facebook and everyone was asking me what highlight I use ofc it was soft & gentle. It look great on photos which is big thumb up!

My favorite foundation for October was makeup forever Hd foundation. I really really used it this month so I can do a full review very short so stay tuned for that.

And thats all for this post cuties! I hope you enjoyed leave a comment and tell me your favorites for month October.
Also dont forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay tuned for new posts
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Queen Alexis.

Song of the month: Taylor Swift Red

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