My favourite places in Paris \ Moja omiljena mesta u Parizu


Helou slatkiši! Dobrodošli nazad na moj blog, nadam se da se svi dobro! U današnjem postu ću vam pokazati mojaomiljena mesta u Parizu. Ovo naravno nisu sva moja omiljena mesta naravno, nego samo nekoliko mesta koje sam posetila kada sam bila u Parizu u Decembru. Ja sam neko ko voli da šeta dosta i da otkrije čari gradova koje posećuje, nikada nisam bila previše zainteresovana za tursistička mesta uvek sam tražil nešto što će se meni dopasti. Mada u ovom postu većina mesta koju ćete videti su turistička i ako idete u Pariz definitivno ih posetite. Pa počnimo.

Hello cuties! Welcome back to my blog, I hope you are all doing well. In todays post I am going to show you some of my favourite places in Paris. Of course this is not all of my favourite places, just a few that I visited when I was in Paris in December.  I am someone that likes to walk a lot, and I also like to walk and discover cities, and charms that they offer, I was never too much interested in touristy places I was always looking for places that I like. In this post most of the places are touristy,  so If you visit Paris definetly visit some of these places. So Let's start.

Prvo mesto je Carrousel du Louvre. Ako volite umetnost zajedno sa šopingom onda je ovo definitivno mesto za vas. Ja stvarno volim da obilazim muzeje i galerije, ali naravno volim i šoping tako da je ovo mesto savršeno za mene. Takodje možete naći i jako zanimljive suveire i kristale. Ja sam kupila mesečev kamen ovde.

First, place is Carrousel du Louvre. If you love art & shopping than this place is perfect for you. I really like to visit museums, and galleries, and of course I like shopping so this place is perfect for me. Also you can find really interesting souveniers in here. I bought a moon stone for my self. 

Sledeće mesto je Beaugrenelle tržni centar. Ovo mi je jedan od omiljenijih tržnih centara. Veoma je veliki svi su extra ljubazni i ovde se možete detaksirati. Takodje ima odovjeni deo samo za hranu imaju predivne restorane i pristupačnije cene. Ja sam ovde večerala u prelepom italijanskom restoranu sa drugaricom. 

Next, place is Beaugrenelle mall. This is one of my favourite malls in Paris. It's really big and specious, and everyone is really nice in there, and also you can detax in the mall. Also this mall has part only for food with very affordable restaurants and prices. I ate here in italian restaurant with my friend.

Moje sledeće mesto je najomiljenije zato što imam dosta lepih uspomena na ovo mesto, a to je Square du Serment de Koufra park. Ovaj park je zaista predivan i nalazi blizu mest gde živim. Volim da ga posetim i da se jednostavno opustim uz dobru kjnigu. 

My, next place is my top favourite, because I have a lot of memories in this place, and that place is  Square du Serment de Koufra parc. This parc is really big, and beautiful, and it's really close where I live. I love to visit this parc, and relax with a good book.

Sledeće mesto je Saint Michele. Ako volite da hodate onda je Saint Michele pravo mesto za vas. Ovo je veoma poznato turističko mesto tako da se ovde mogu naći turisti iz svih krajeva sveta. Ja obožavam da hodam Saint Michelom i naravno postim Noterdam. U moju odbranu nisam imala dosta vremena da a slikam pošto sam tog dana žurila kući, al mesto je zaista prelepo.

Next, palce is Saint Michele. If you love to walk this is the perfect place for you. Saint Michele is vwry famouse touristy place so here you can see tourist from every single place. I love to walk, and visit Noterdame. In my defence I was passing trought Saint Michele, and it was getting dark so I didn;t take any pictures, but this place is really beautiful.

Sledeće mesto je Opera. Ovde sam uvek volela da dolazim kada bih išla u šoping. U Apple radnji na Operi sam i kupila svoji telefon.

Next, place is Opera. Here I love to come when I want to luxury shop. Also there is huge Aplle store here where I bought my new phone. 

Sledeća mesta su Galeries Lafayette i Printemps. Ja iskreno što se tiče šopinga više volim da kupujem u Pritemps zato što su svi ljubazniji i ima manje ljudi, to je super ako ste neko ko ne voli preveliku gužvu. Mada Galeries Lafayette je veće mesto i stvarno predivno predivno ukrašeno za vreme praznika.

Next, places are Galeries Lafayette & Printemps. Honestly I prefer to shop in Printemps, becuase there are much more nicer there, and also less people, but Galeries Lafayetee is bigger, and much more decorated for Holiday season.

Sledeće mesto je Rue Cambon, ili kako ja volim da kažem CHANEL ulica. Ako ste veliki ljubitelj CHANEL brenda definitivno psetite ovu ulicu i radnju nećete biti razočarani. Više o tome možete pročitati ovde. 

Next, place is Rue Cambon or how I like to call it CHANEL srteet. If you re big CHANEL lover like I am definetly visit this street, and go to CHANEL sotre. You can read more about CHANEL store here, and my experience here.

Sledeće mesto je  Champs-Élysées . Mada ako ne volite previše veliku gužvu savetujem vam da ovo mesto posetite, ili rano ujutru dok se radnje nisu još uvek tvorile, ili kasno uveče. Ja volim da šetam uveče. Takodje obratit pažnju na soredne ulice pošto možete nacći veoma zanimljive i pristupačne restorane.

Next. place is Champs Elysees. If you don't like crowded street I suggest you to visit this place early in the morning or late at night. Also if you want to eat here you can find some affordable restaurants in smaller streets.

Zadnje mesto je aerodrom Charles de Gaulle. Ja sam neko ko stvarno voli aerodrom i avione, tkao da nije čudno što mi je CDG jedno od omiljenih mesta. Veoma je lako snaći se na ovom aerodromu. Veoma je čist i sve je lepo obeleženo. Jedina zamerka je ponašanje zaposlenih u Duty free prodavnicama. 

Last, place is CDG airport. I'm someone that likes to fly, and I like airports. It's very easy to get to this airports, and also very easy to find gate etc. Only thing that I don't like is behaviour if duty free workers. 

To je sve za ovaj post nadam se da vam se dopao. Ostavite komentar i recite mi da li ste ikada bili u Parizu i da li bi ste voleli da posetite Pariz?

That's all for this post, I hope you liked it. Leave a comment, and tell me did you visited Paris, and if not would you like to visit Paris? 

Also don't forget to follow my blog via google friend connect to stay updated, and be part of cuties family.
Also don't forget to like my fb page, and follow me instagram so we can chat!

Takodje ne zaboravite da pratite blog prko google friend connecta da ostanete u toku i budite deo porodice slatkiša.
Takodje ne zaboravite da lajkujete moju fb stranicu i da me pratite me na instagramu da bi četovali! 

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  1. Predivne fotke draga! Ja bih jednog dana voljela da posjetim Pariz, jer je predivan. :) pratim te, ako želiš uzvrati♥ (novi post)

  2. Great post! Love the pictures of the Chanel store!


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